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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Lemmings actually thought Sega was getting acquired.
  2. My only concern is getting my hands on at least one before the scalpers roll in.
  3. They should just drop this shit and work with Sony on Until Dawn 2.
  4. A Japanese exclusive game on Xbox is a death sentence. Microsoft would just have to pay out the projected sales on PlayStation for it to happen.
  5. Halo Infinite delayed to 2021... development hell.
  6. Microsoft buying Sega... just like they did EA. Lemming pipe dreams.
  7. He's been reliable for announcements of announcements.
  8. Yeah, that gif about sums up Xbox's first party.
  9. It'll be before Xbox gets another exclusive.
  10. It's going to be funny when the lemmings completely disappear when this game lands.
  11. Lemmings so hurt right now they're trying to spoil games on consoles that actually have exclusives. Bottom of the barrel trash faction.
  12. I saw not too long ago that the PlayStation Vita TV was going for $650 USD on eBay. Anyways, I got two back button attachments. Bought them a couple days after launch and they were hard to find.
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