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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Looks better than Sevenfield.
  2. The last time PosC gaming was good from a price standpoint was 1080 Ti. Now it's just rape and Lemij loves that nviDia. He's not an nvIdiot for nothin'.
  3. This has been a thing for a long time. Microsoft announcing it is just news of an already ongoing effort made into a team just like any other multi generation hardware maker.
  4. Dipshitmij, you can’t save face on this one.
  5. Maybe y'all are the biggest clowns for defending it for so long and not opening your eyes for yourselves? Including you.
  6. Damn, the lemmings are really dead. This just confirms any doubts considering DumboB was the hardest of hardcore lemshits just a few years ago. Sad sad sad.
  7. The problem is they're axing the wrong person. Phil should have been canned years ago.
  8. I wonder why slowstz didn’t report on this?
  9. I wish I could downgrade to y'alls level and enjoy it.
  10. Time to remove this thread.
  11. I concur. It's the best version of this forum of you getting owned as well.
  12. "Given the closer alignment to Gen8 platforms in terms of performance and our previous offerings on PS4 / Xbox One, it is reasonable to assume we could make something compelling for the NG Switch as well." From emails that leaked from Microsoft.
  13. Summary of everything shown:
  14. ...is about to start. For anyone who gives a shit, don't worry, only like 5K people are watching right now.
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