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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Lemmings, for fuck sake don't look.
  2. Don't forget Warzone is complete and utter fucking garbage.
  3. The only thing obvious is that they were demonstrating their SSD throughput by loading multiple scenes instantaneously. Where does it say that it was optimized? Mark Cerny said it takes 0.27 seconds to load 2GB of data into memory.
  4. Where is the link saying Spider-man was optimized for SSD? The only person I've seen ever say this was DynamiteCop.
  5. State of Decay loaded in like ~8-9 seconds. It wasn't very fast. I assume Microsoft may throw a bit of Machine Learning towards this, but we'll see. The Spider-man demonstration was way more impressive.
  6. Stadia hasn't even realized those teraflops. What a waste of resources.
  7. I've already dismissed the OS stuff. I'm talking about for game application; there's no speculation there... games will benefit largely from the SSD speed gains. Many, many developers have chimed in on this.
  8. Which is a claim you stupid ass. Where is this baseless claim coming from? My claim comes directly from developers unless you think you know more than they do? Edit: Even Microsoft acknowledges this. Why do you think they're doing everything they can to eek out every last bit of theoretical throughput they can from their solution? You're an idiot.
  9. Developer commentary, design philosophy/speculation, SSD being the number one requested feature from developers for streaming data, etc. Where are your baseless claims coming from?
  10. This isn't about the CPU/GPU replacing GDDR6 memory access with the SSD, this is about the SSD swapping assets in/out of memory. Yes, you will get owned on this.
  11. While I don't think the OS is only going to consume 500MB, that's kind of silly, the SSD wouldn't be there if it wasn't beneficial to swapping assets in and out of memory. You're going to get owned on this.
  12. lynux3


    Going through them like you did with RRoD.
  13. lynux3


    You were my inspiration.
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