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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. You boys just don't get it. I was able to bring you to your knees... based on some random dudes posts and even gave you a hint by labeling it "rumor". You got got.
  2. Ray Tracing eXtinct on 2080 Ti.
  3. Time to Hall of Fame this hermsmell massacre of a thread.
  4. This thread has now become the Remij Tears eXhibit.
  5. Why's that? To come in here and tell us how much better the 3080 Ti is at $1,200 in a thread labeled rumor? Okay, have fun with that.
  6. You're an NVIDIOT. Seriously, thanks for beta testing.
  7. Exactly. NVIDIA's on the other hand is not.
  8. 1080p is perfectly acceptable. As a matter of fact, most hermsmells game in 1080p.
  9. The hermits are just getting roasted today. You can smell the defeat in this thread.
  10. Dropping down to JonB IQ. Nice.
  11. Better hurry up and offload that defunct piece of hardware... people are going to be finding out real soon about its limitations.
  12. Having a lineup of games instead of a lineup of benchmarks is losing? Okay then.
  13. And my wallet will still be $700 richer.
  14. Because fool don't worry about it.
  15. Whatever makes it easier to swallow that beta testing status.
  16. How's my PS4? Hmm... let me check. Seems fine to me.
  17. I'd rather be an IDIOT than an NVIDIOT. Thanks for beta testing.
  18. Don't even bother. Just export it to .PPT format, it might even perform better.
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