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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. The soundtrack is the shit; they did a great job. Half Life has never been better. Now I have to replay the Half Life games again... and not be tempted to spend hundreds of dollars just to play Alyx.
  2. Additional stuffs: Trailer Song: Digital Foundry:
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/
  4. E3 has been on the chopping block for a while. COVID-19 is just a coincidence, but I think E3 will ultimately be canceled or postponed like GDC. Until the ESA figures out how to make E3 interesting again it'll wither away.
  5. How convenient for you to reference ZhugeEX... you know the guy who said was full of shit and wasn't to be a trustworthy source?
  6. Yeah, they still are going to do it this year... until it's officially canceled/postponed, and then now we have three major industry players bailing out. Sony Geoff Keighley iam8bit If you can't see the writing on the wall then you never will. ESA has been plagued with problems for years and people are sick of it. From running the show into the ground, ESA CEO being forced out, massive privacy leaks, etc. Geoff Keighley has been participating at E3 for 25 years and for him to bail out is a big deal.
  7. Sony and Geoff Keighley bailed well before coronavirus became a real concern. ESA killed E3.
  8. Uh... yeah. E3 hasn't been canceled or postponed because of coronavirus. It's dead Jim and coronavirus ain't the reason.
  9. I'm an expert at pressing buttons, do you know who you're talking to!?
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