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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. It makes sense from a financial perspective. Control didn't do wonders on current gen, and remastering it for PS5/XSX, in what will likely be thin launches, may get more people to pick it up. Launch games always do pretty well.
  2. Only one stage that he knows of. Probably an issue for other stages too.
  3. @Spicalicious Get the Azure certifications. That is what I'm doing right now.
  4. It's a beautiful thing. I'm pretty deep into it on the network/security side. It's mostly for cloud deployments, management and SDN. Since I manage a lot of network appliances, dedicated and cloud infrastructure automation has saved me hundreds of hours of tedious crap over the last few years.
  5. Yeah me too. I work directly with Windows sys admins all the time. They're a bunch of GUI button clicking fags. Not really, they're okay.
  6. Yeah, ad blockers have been around for a minute. I do consider myself a professional in my particular field since I do get paid for it.
  7. Not sure what you mean in the first statement? You can essentially "ad block" any device you use outside of your browser within your LAN/WLAN. Like the YouTube app on your phone. uBlock Origin will block video ads, banner ads, images, malicious shit, etc. and won't affect the video you're actually trying to watch. Though some site admins are getting smart and working around it; so if you ever come across a video you can't play just turn off or whitelist the site in uBlock Origin and it'll play just fine. It's few and far between, but it does happen occasionally.
  8. Browser? uBlock Origin. You're welcome. Home network? Pi-hole. You're welcome.
  9. What is there possibly to deny about a low quality asset version of a game? Impressive.
  10. I already got him double posting in this thread. Too easy.
  11. Looks like The Wonderful 101 Remastered for PS4 sponsored by Sheep and supported by Nintendo is home run to me.
  12. Looks like The Wonderful 101 Remastered for PS4 sponsored by Sheep and supported by Nintendo is home run to me.
  13. Looks like The Wonderful 101 Remastered for PS4 sponsored by Sheep and supported by Nintendo is home run to me.
  14. This is also a port. Thanks Sheep and Nintendo.
  15. Well I'll be damned. It certainly does look rough as fuck with low quality assets like I said.
  16. At least it wasn't some fat slob. IMHI
  17. They just need to hurry the fuck up and reveal it already.
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