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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I think it's more related to the Decima engine if anything.
  2. You watching the same trailer? It's quite obvious how low quality all the assets are.
  3. When PSVR was about to be launched Sony was on record saying they were going to look into PC support. I guess they just shelved that idea.
  4. I'd play Horizon Zero Dawn again @ 4K/60+... three years later. I wonder who would be handling the port and if there's going to be any extra goodies included? With all of the Dreams user content being generated just on PS4 that game would be perfect for PC day and date. Looking at one of those most recent tweets the guy seems to hint at Dreams coming to PC. I mean people are literally getting jobs fucking around in that game and publishing music on Spotify.
  5. Me: Shadow of the Colossus on PS4 is a remake. @DynamiteCop!: No it's not. Bluepoint Games: Shadow of the Colossus on PS4 is a remake. @DynamiteCop!: No it's not, look at this video showing that Bluepoint Games is saying it's a remake.
  6. Your own reference video proves me right. Continue to retard away.
  7. Funny that your own video supposedly "contradicting" what I'm saying is actually supporting my claims.
  8. All of your answers are in the videos and documentary on the development of Shadow of the Colossus. The only code base from the original game that runs simultaneously are colossus movements. Everything else is remade. The game is a remake and Bluepoint Games stresses this everytime they talked about it. Now if you want to choose to be a retard go right ahead.
  9. The only disappointment is that you continue to double down on unrealistic expectations towards the end of a generation, and this ridiculous narrative that you created out of thin air because Sony said "fuck E3" for the second year in a row. Yet you discount the fact that Sony is going to participate in "hundreds" of other fan focused events that are much much larger than E3. We don't even know what Sony's plans are exactly. It's fucking January 16th, this year just started. Look, Sony has been working on next generation for awhile (apparently longer Microsoft if rumors are true).
  10. I just find it funny that because Sony announced The Last of Us II and Ghost Tsushima years ago that it makes those games less relevant today... somehow making Sony complacent. But they haven't announced anything new!!1 All of their studios have moved on to the PS5 platform... a system that has yet to be formally announced. No shit they haven't announced anything new. I can't tell if Lemij pretends to be stupid or this is just how it is.
  11. Not mine. It's just the facts. So Dynamite, are you for or against Digital Foundry today? Or maybe you think you know better than Bluepoint Games themselves?
  12. Do I have to shut you down again like I did last time?
  13. It's actually a remake like Shadow of the Colossus. Don't tell me you still think Shadow of the Colossus is a remaster?
  14. Exactly. Lemij trying to slip through the cracks.
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