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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-01-13-is-playstation-right-to-leave-e3
  2. You clearly give a flying fuck, but the thing is no one gives a flying fuck about your flawed views and what you think they should be. Winning GOTY 2018 and 2019 has never been done before by first party, and there's a possibility Sony might win GOTY 2020 with The Last of Us 2... a record for any publisher. Take your concern/standard trolling to the Xbox camp.
  3. But somehow Xbox's output and image are at all time highs.
  4. There is also legal insider trading. Either way, it's not something I would put myself in the middle of.
  5. The guy is saying it is a publicly traded company and divulging any information about corporate activity could be considered insider trading... which is highly illegal.
  6. I suspect it's not under NDA, but they can probably get into legal trouble especially if it's a publicly traded company.
  7. This isn't exactly the most reliable sources, but there's quite a few people talking about it lately.
  8. The OLED only serves to modify the programmable button input so you can see what is configured. I assume they did this to avoid having to go through menus on the OS. Makes sense why they went this route, and even more sense if the DS5 has back buttons with planned DS4 "forward compatibility".
  9. The reviews are positive. Looks like Sony hit this one out of the mid-range park. https://www.ign.com/articles/ps4s-back-button-attachment-is-impressive-comfortable-and-may-tease-the-ps5 https://www.polygon.com/reviews/2020/1/14/21064095/dualshock-4-back-button-attachment-review-playstation https://venturebeat.com/2020/01/14/dualshock-4s-back-button-attachment-is-comfortable-and-capable/ https://mashable.com/article/playstation-dualshock-4-back-button-attachment-review/ https://www.digitaltrends.com/game-reviews/ps4-dualshock-back-button-attachment-r
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