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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. So true. Even then, Sony still won E3 without even being there that's the best part.
  2. Phil Spencer would have a better reputation if Microsoft wasn't a hardware manufacturer.
  3. Based on some of these articles it sounds like Sony is skipping E3 because it's not fan focused. I'm all for the limited time digital events since 99.9% of the fan base can't attend anyways. The only thing I will miss the most is the conference battles.
  4. There's plenty of other events to make up for the loss of E3... or maybe they can have a limited time digital event where consumers can play demos from the store. Who knows.
  5. No surprise there. Microsoft has been losing since 2009.
  6. It's a bummer that E3 took the massive shit it did. ESA dug their own grave and Sony just put the nails in the coffin. Only reason Microsoft continues to show up is because Phil Spencer is an ESA board member.
  7. This is literally all you have left. Petty insults because you've run out of room to move those posts.
  8. So now it's design wise and not technical? Not surprising you have to move goal posts to continue an argument you lost pages ago. PlayStation 5 exclusives designed around next gen hardware with no compromises (Xbox One) and only learning curves (new hardware).
  9. Grasping for straws much? Everything I said is what technically can't be done... the question you asked stupid fuck. The idea of PlayStation 5 games being designed around next generation hardware with no handicaps (Xbox One) and only learning curves (new hardware) is just . Keep sucking that lemming cock.
  10. Ray-tracing, SSD speeds, VRS, up the graphical fidelity, animations, etc. Don't play stupid.
  11. So now it's about locking a userbase out? How far you going to move away from the topic? You're flopping more than Xbox One has this generation. PlayStation 5: Exclusives, not held back by last generation. Xbox Series F[lop]: Cross-gen games, held back by 1.3TF.
  12. Rofl, still running away from the original argument that PS5 will actually have exclusives vs. Xflop having cross gen games with an 1.3TF POS for 2 years. Funny how the argument has changed to... if ps5 dunt hab wemasters sony is pattetic
  13. So now the lemmings are giving up on exclusives vs cross gen and now arguing about PS5's biggest games launching on PS4 this year before PS5 launches? The biggest difference this generation is backwards compatibility. Remasters at this point seem more unlikely than ever before... but Microsoft will still be releasing cross-gen games for the next 2 years being held back by 1.3TF Xbox One.
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