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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I thought you said it'd release in Feb. 2020 on PC? I don't know, I can't keep up with all the dumb shit you spew around here.
  2. This isn't Hobo Pass where none of the games are enticing from the get go or only cost a $1 which I'm sure I have dropped changed on the floor of my car somewhere that amounts to that. Get real, bitch, people will pay to play Uncharted 4, Infamous Second Son or God of War over 5.0 flops from Xloaf Game Studios.
  3. I like how you completely dismissed the primary point. "games are limited time to entice people to subscribe to their service" Your stupidity knows no bounds.
  4. Maybe, if, it's possible that, hypothetically... These games are limited time to entice people to subscribe to their service and make it known that PlayStation Now is only $9.99/mo or $59.99/yr. Sony already said their current PlayStation Now infrastructure can handle up to 5 million subscribers so they have a long way to go to fill that. They're already well over 1 million.
  5. Lemij has always been a lemshit. He's been hiding behind PC for years just like JonB has just started doing.
  6. I guess that means Infamous Second Son, Uncharted 4 and God of War are also coming to PC after they're removed in January?
  7. Only you would extrapolate and come to the stupid shit conclusion you did. You should have said, "get ready lemmings for the best indie games to skip Xloaf". Turn this around if it were Xflop and this would be an amazing unprecedented endeavor.
  8. Now it's just a waiting game to see how Crynamite and Queermij spin this.
  9. Coincidentally, that's what all the women tell you.
  10. Let me know when you've graduated from JonB level arguments and bait.
  11. How long are you going to push this baseless narrative? No one is even biting yet you still keep going like the dipshit you are. Also I like how you completely side stepped your argument. You fuckin' suck.
  12. No, you still missed the point, dumbass. You just don't get it yet, everyone else does except you.
  13. Got you reaching further and further.
  14. Buttblasted by your own stupid logic.
  15. The license doesn't matter. Stopped there, moron.
  16. You missed the part where MLB is not a Sony IP and requires licensing. This does not indicate any sort of 3rd party for Sony's IP, it just indicates how much of a moron you are.
  17. This is the only scenario where this makes sense, but hey, TCHBR because Sony is going to expand their distribution of a non-Sony IP through one of their WW studios.
  18. Well, I guess Dumbij was kind of right.
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