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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Top Console Sales: 1.) PS2 2.) PS1 3.) Wii 4.) PS3 I don't see 360 in there, but I do see this: Xbox One: ~44m Wii U: 13m Xbox beat Nintendo.
  2. Yet sold 3x as much as the Wii U, a Nintendo console from this generation. Xbox beat Nintendo.
  3. JezCorden is a shill. No lemshit is going to want to watch a show where their favorite system will get shunned.
  4. Xbox One, arguably one if the worst consoles of all time, probably won't die as quickly as Nintendo's most successful console, Wii. Yikes.
  5. And nothing will ever match Wii's epic decline or Wii U's epic failure.
  6. Dreams has more games already than Xbox One's entire generation.
  7. Uh... PS3 is more powerful than 360, dumbass.
  8. It's beautiful. Which model? Can't make out the sticker.
  9. Nah, I don't mean that at all. I understand it requires manual implementation. VRS is a great feature to have and I feel pretty confident that it'll be included as well. I just need haz confirmation.
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