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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I mean pipe dreams, but this is how the Cowboys would fail.
  2. All better than Microsoft first party.
  3. Yeah... because Vita and PS4 were very similar.
  4. Lets ignore the other 40% like it's a small percentage.
  5. I don't know why your butt hurt about the facts, but whatever.
  6. Updated my post. Yeah, last year or more is laughable. I corrected it... it's been happening since Switch released. It's completely evident by just looking at Media Create sales since Switch launched. I don't know any other regions, but I'm sure it's similar.
  7. This has been happening since Switch released. A few weeks ago? Switch gained two user bases which is why I think it was a genius move. Switch hasn't done PlayStation numbers yet, but its been close. Every year PS4 still outsells Switch globally, but with the release of a dedicated handheld that's going to change this year. Nintendo has the advantage of being against 6 year old hardware and a looming next generation that's still a year away. I want to see how well it does in 2021.
  8. You're still missing the point. 3DS is all but dead, people have moved onto Switch, this has increased Switch sales by a good amount. What's hard to understand? This is a genius move by Nintendo... they've never been able to do PlayStation numbers and now they are because they've combined their user bases.
  9. Never was. Not sure what you mean by that? Nintendo was always going to cannibalize 3DS sales with their hybrid console and now it's just a nail in the coffin with a real Switch handheld (Switch Lite). Like I said, 3DS is all but dead.
  10. It's using its handheld market dominance in order to achieve this. It's not hard to see.
  11. Switch is barely getting any cross gen games now, so I would expect that trend to get much much worse, but I also expect Nintendo to hold their own. I mean, the reality is, people buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games as evident by the software charts. Anything else is just icing on the cake. I don't expect Nintendo to update Switch significantly until at least 2022 or 2023 and that's because Nintendo is using Switch to take over their handheld market... 3DS is all but dead.
  12. It's a much better Wii U that's for sure, but the Switch is getting a boost from the handheld market otherwise sales probably wouldn't be this good.
  13. No, you enjoyed God of War on your remote PlayStation. Raped.
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