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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Yeah, they look taller and deeper than the PS4/PS4 Pro devkits behind them.
  2. It definitely doesn't look like a DualShock 4. Looks like the D-pad is concave while the buttons are convex. Definitely has the prototype look like the old DS4 prototypes.
  3. I remember lemmings saying that xCloud was some how going to defy physics and stomp everything.
  4. Wasn't that debunked? I think it originated from an old listing from like 2017 or 2018.
  5. And we still don't know the launch lineups for PS5/Xflop.
  6. ReRAM is expensive compared to NAND. I wouldn't bet on a $400 price tag with ReRAM onboard, and ReRAM being onboard is highly unlikely.
  7. And when is that safer bet going to happen? Switch has been out for 2 years and almost 9 months.
  8. I mean, the reality is that even Xflop has more major Japanese publisher support than NIntendo.
  9. Currently PS4 has the best Japanese support and that's not going to change when PS5 hits. Nintendo's console will always be a Nintendo games machine and no, it won't be surpassing PS4's LTD, but it might outsell Wii or get close.
  10. Has it affected PS4 Japanese support? Nope. Consoles haven't sold good in Japan since PS2 era.
  11. Yeah, along with Uncharted, Spider-man and possibly even Horizon Zero Dawn.
  12. Almost all of Sony's biggest games (even Days Gone) are bigger than Halo and Gears. Gran Turismo Sport is killing Forza Motorsport and it had a horrible launch. Microsoft hasn't produced a single new quality IP since Gears. Sea of Thieves is trash and everything else they have was aquired and not produced internally like Sony.
  13. This is just their initial push to get subscribers on board so that their service is actually sustainable. They need to stop giving hand outs to produce good will with their customers and start making fucking games. There's no better way to build good will than to produce high quality AAA content.
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