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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Indeed considering it was a headline feature. What makes you think Amazon is going to come out guns blazing considering they've already made a move to separate Prime and Twitch in the first place? Twitch Turbo is now a thing. Don't put your money on Prime having any factor in Amazon's game streaming plan, if it even materializes after Google's face plant.
  2. pweeze bwing teh xbawx version to paiwity wit ps4 pwo ive submitted mah weports to micwosoff The fuck outta here.
  3. I guess that just means there are less Android users who are complete fuckin' douchebags.
  4. Looks like this has basically been confirmed for that Toio product and nothing to do with PS5.
  5. https://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/dm/atclen/news_en/15mk/092703022/ I thought they shelved this when Micron bounced to help Intel with 3D XPoint.
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