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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. 1.) The Last of Us 2.) Super Mario Galaxy 2
  2. It's not? Haven't heard anything official yet. According to you none of these people are reliable. Edit: Nevermind. It's been confirmed now. Regardless, it was "leaked" prior to official confirmation from the people you say are unreliable.
  3. https://kotaku.com/sources-the-last-of-us-2-delayed-to-spring-1839322915 Probably for the better since this and Final Fantasy VII were so close.
  4. I was wondering why this looked so familiar. It's basically a remake of Battlefield 1943 which was pretty fun for the time.
  5. I guess he got sick of Xbox Live going down all the time, Game Pass not producing and releasing 5.0 flops.
  6. So it has a better a MC than your GOTG?
  7. The Pro Controller is so much better. The novelty of the Switch being portable wore off like a week after I got mine plus the fact that the joy-cons are complete garbage even if they're working perfectly.
  8. Control deserves more than what it got.
  9. If it wasn't obvious enough this is a troll.
  10. Still a cut for Sony. Thanks for the money Microsoft.
  11. Nah, I'll buy this on PS4 so Sony gets a piece of the pie.
  12. I guess I can go buy a box of pop tarts and get in real quick.
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