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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Why not? We've only seen it demonstrated on mobile and I can't find anything to suggest it's coming anywhere else.
  2. Has Microsoft even confirmed what platforms it'll support at the end of the day? So far I've only seen demonstrations on mobile devices. All I've heard regarding PC/Xbox One support is their Remote Play equivalent.
  3. I can barely stand playing on the Ditch screen so I can see how playing on a phone screen will suck. This needs to be like PS Now and support PC and the console itself.
  4. Yeah that won't be happening ever again.
  5. Latency felt good to me, but its the framerate that does it for me. Brings down the latency.
  6. OnLive, Gaikai, PlayStation Now, NVIDIA GeForce Now and I'm waiting for Microflop to send me my invite. I didn't bother with EA's garbage.
  7. As if DipshitB is some kind of confirmation. I like how you side stepped something you thought I "gravely misunderstood" yet this whole time you had no idea.
  8. Microsoft wants Sony's streaming and semiconductor expertise and Sony wants a discount on cloud services. What else could it possibly be? Sony has 7+ years of R&D for streaming content, a shit ton of patents, a lifetime of semiconductor expertise and Microsoft has a cloud. You think Sony needs Microsoft's help with streaming content on phones... something we were able to do in the PS3 era with Remote Play?
  9. It makes sense. Microsoft needs Sony's help with cloud game streaming.
  10. Not on what scale? PlayStation Now is currently available in 19 countries with 15 datacenters, 37 PoPs. The service was expanded this year too so what haven't they expanded again? It's funny how Sony's primary business was never software, but yet it's software continues to shit all over Microsoft's software in sales, quality and quantity. Not sure why you've chosen such a pointless hill to die on.
  11. So you think that PlayStation Now multiplayer sessions aren't within its cloud infrastructure and that somehow the PS3/PS4 server chassis are physically removing itself out of the cloud for multiplayer sessions?
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