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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. https://podbay.fm/podcast/1159170164/e/1570816543 The rumor for PS5 being delayed in the first place was due to BC. Would make sense since it was PlayStation's 25th anniversary this year.
  2. Enjoy your stew, but you missed a key note. "In our demo, one GPU handles most of the traditional geometry rendering." That suggests there is multi GPU rendering akin to CFX/SLI with basically something similar to having a dedicated PhysX card. Google's version of all of this is just an evolution of a pretty much dead technology.
  3. lynux3


    Rofl, RetardEra is literally a communist community.
  4. Did you fall off your rocker today? I'm surprised you're trying to argue against something seemingly obvious. It's funny how everyone but you don't think this is Google's version of multi-GPU rendering, aka, CFX/SLI. The most obvious difference is in the cloud, but who cares? The technology is the same as if it were applied locally at a smaller scale. Even the company who partnered with Google says its multi-GPU rendering. You're saying they're wrong?
  5. Say it with me fuck head... Multi GPU rendering. Who the fuck is talking about memory access and your retarded idea of how all this shit works? Where did I say this shit uses SLI? What a dumbass. https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/crossfire https://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/introduction-to-sli-technology-guide#1 Here you go, go learn something. Google Stadia is most DEFINITELY using a similar technology. You'd have to be a retard... err Remij to think otherwise.
  6. CFX and SLI are the definition of multi GPU rendering. Fuck outta here with your ignorant ass.
  7. What a stupid thread this turned out to be.
  8. lynux3


    He's talking about RetardEra. Edit: I failed.
  9. lynux3


    I guess blackface isn't offensive anymore, but instead blackforehead.
  10. 10.6% decline in viewership contradicts your statement. I'm just reporting the facts here, don't get butthurt.
  11. You're blatantly ignoring the most important statistic where the money and support for these streamers and platform comes from: Who gives a shit about a channel? I could go on to Mixer right now, spin up a channel and it would mean nothing. It's not looking good.
  12. It's likely going to continue to decline.
  13. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-10-04-ninjas-move-to-mixer-fails-to-driver-viewership
  14. Had Microsoft spend $50m on Ninja that turned out to be a dud and then bounced. Thanks for acquiring our company (Beam) for millions too Microsoft!
  15. Though imagine with all of this data, procedural rendering in place, etc. a Forza Horizon where you can visit major cities.
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