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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. It looks good, but at the end of the day it's just a simulator. I have zero interest in this game outside of its visuals.
  2. Nah, from day one it was like this. Check it out: https://kotaku.com/you-can-play-a-way-out-online-with-only-one-copy-1824027297
  3. It's not Share Play. Share Play is where someone takes control of your game remotely like Remote Play for upto an hour(?), but they don't require the game. A Way Out on PS4 at least, allows one person to purchase the game, send an invite where the other player is directed to download the game, and then play online co-op together. No strings attached. We played the whole game.. it was about 5-6 hours.
  4. Really? The fuck... I played it on PS4 and my friend didn't even have to buy it, just download it and we were playing co-op online remotely.
  5. This article is pretty poorly written. Interesting that the review embargo lifts a week ahead of launch.
  6. The data center argument is overblown. Anyone can lease data center space. At the end of the day the winner of the "streaming war" will rely on the application, delivery and technology. That's assuming if the bubble doesn't burst like cord cutting.
  7. We literally know nothing about how AMD's implementation works. I'll reserve my judgement until RDNA 2.0 comes out next year.
  8. I think the bigger issue is how everything is locked down in the cloud. Can't transfer, can't download, can't obtain the license, can't do shit. This, IMO, is the down fall of this version of the service. Imagine building up a digital streaming library and having an Internet connection with solid low latency and having to move somewhere and your new provider fuckin' blows? Latency is going to be by far the biggest complaint about this service. Not all connections are equal.
  9. I get it, but you can count on this being picked apart like nobodies business. It'll be pretty hard to cover up anything they're trying to pull. We're only a month out so I guess we'll see what happens.
  10. It's not PR, it's been done already and it's basically dead at the consumer level. It's curious why they think this technology is suddenly going to become relevant again. Stadia claims 4K@60FPS. We know the Vega 56 by itself isn't pulling it off unless the games are going to be downgraded.
  11. Stadia seems to be built to scale so I wouldn't count on it. We'll either see games scale across these "custom" Vega 56s or Google will end up upgrading at some point. The question is how well can it scale across the hardware? It's essentially CrossFire and that technology is all but dead along with SLI.
  12. This doesn't make sense. Why does the local machine get to process the input and Stadia somehow magically bypasses this very important step? I'm trying to understand what you're comparing Stadia to versus the "typical chain".
  13. This is what a W looks like when your platform has completely fallen off.
  14. The same could be said about you playing on your Xbox.
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