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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. This is the same song and dance that occurred in 2012 and yet here we are.
  2. I'm hoping for 1TB soldered right onto the board with a "special" controller for high throughput, but in addition to that an expansion bay (M.2 x4 PCIe 4.0 lanes) akin to PS2/PS3/PS4/PS4 Pro.
  3. You know it's bad for Microsoft when Stadia is garnering more interest.
  4. At the end of the day Xbox One will probably have sold just a tad over 50m. This thing is barely keeping its head above water.
  5. I see you abandoned your original failed bait already. GG
  6. Exactly. You failed again, in your own thread.
  7. I mean what do you expect? It needs to house a screen, lenses, the main board and any other supporting features. This is like any VR headset worth a shit.
  8. I mean the buggy mess akin to your bait in this thread... also the phone that lost 30.2% of its sales.
  9. Seems like your argument fell short, just like iPhone sales.
  10. Which is literally the same as the platform you're rooting for in this thread.
  11. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-10-09-sony-patent-points-to-next-gen-playstation-vr
  12. About as much effort as your half baked yawn worthy bait when you made this thread.
  13. I mean... it's getting beat by some random baseball game, Out of the Park Baseball 20, for fuck sake. It's crazy how Microsoft literally killed what was once considered a massive IP.
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