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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. We need to know more information. This is just straight up guessing. "Millions" could be 2,000,000 and how many of those got into the $1-2 offers? Xbox Game Pass can't be making shit or at least be breaking even when it comes to operating cost. Data center space, power, storage, maintenance, upgrades, monitoring, distribution, etc. isn't cheap and Microsoft is paying a shit ton to lease. 1.) How many subscribers and at what tier are they subscribing? Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly? 2.) What does retention look like? 3.) What are operating costs for Game Pass? 4.) What
  2. I still don't understand how Microsoft thinks this is going to be sustainable if games are costing anywhere from $30-$100M+. You know they didn't make shit off of this game with $1-2 Hobo Pass handouts and legit $10 subscriptions. I wonder what their subscription numbers are, but knowing Microsoft we'll never know.
  3. I guess so, but after getting spoiled by HDR content it's hard going back. It's pretty impressive when paired up with a TV that can output them nits.
  4. There was never going back or ever moving forward differently. Ray tracing is the next logical step. I guess when I think of ray tracing I automatically think visuals (light, reflections, shadows, etc.), but it's obvious Sony sees value in ray tracing outside of the visual impact per Mark Cerny's WIRED interview. We could see games with enhanced traditional lighting like today while using ray tracing hardware for audio. Shit like that I guess is what I mean.
  5. Seems like big releases lately HDR has been omitted. I could just be losing track of games with HDR.
  6. One thing is for sure... when next generation consoles get established it will tell the tale of ray tracing. Is it worth the expense or will the hardware be utilized elsewhere and developers will be content with traditional lighting standards? Hopefully HDR has a more substantial footprint as well... seems like that seemingly "free" feature has lost traction. HDR is quite attractive.
  7. Ah, based on what I've been reading about the game it's not worth shit at this point. Bugs, micro transactions galore, no AI team, shit AI in general... Yeah, this sounds like a skip.
  8. Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie are in a different league. Now if you compare it to Microsoft version of Banjo then I'll take Crash and Spyro anyday. Microsoft killed that IP.
  9. "I really wanted to like Breakpoint. Ubisoft has a habit of making mediocre games – Assassin’s Creed, Watch Dogs – really shine with a sequel, but this is a significant step back. I would rather play Anthem – at least traversal doesn’t make me want to put my head through a window in that game. "
  10. Nah, I played the shit out of Wildlands. I was referring to Breakpoint.
  11. It was inevitable PC was going to get a pity port just like every other console game. It's been the trend since the beginning of this generation. Consoles literally revived PC when many, if not all, PC enthusiasts sites were claiming the opposite in 2011-2013.
  12. Unfortunate. Wildlands was actually pretty good. I'm tempted to play it at some point, but I think it'll be $20-30 by the holidays.
  13. Wow, you keep shitting on this thread when there's perfectly good lemshit ownage in here.
  14. Xflop dOne is a disaster, but it's also crazy people were dumb enough to invest in it.
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