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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Obviously he's just pushing the agenda of the people who just quit... he had to allow cross-play for PS4 and backwards compatibility for PS5 despite being "opposed" and "confused" by those features.
  2. The president and CEO of Sony assigned him the position. He's been recognized as dominating the European market. Jim Ryan basically killed off Xbox in this region.
  3. Is this really how you're going to try and spin this?
  4. I think you need to repair your anus for another round because Jim Ryan is coming for it.
  5. The guy mostly ran ForwardWorks, who cares. Shawn Layden's departure is still a mystery, but he isn't the only one making decisions there. What are you trying to imply here? That SIE has now become as terrible as the Xbox division?
  6. So lemmings are celebrating SIE executives retiring now? I think you've scraped passed the bottom of the barrel at this point.
  7. Half of the top 8 search results are "fixes" or "repairs" on joy con drift... It's overblown he says. Don't worry about the class action lawsuit that now includes the Switch Lite.
  8. I completely forgot about this. Nintendo is already sending me a coffin.
  9. After PlayStation shit in Microsoft's cereal this morning by lowering PlayStation Now's monthly subscription price to $9.99 and only $59.99 a year Microsoft will do anything to get subs. That means Hobo Pass has 600+ less games, can't stream and costs the same monthly price, but $40 more a year.
  10. Easily. Microsoft's Xbox One announcement fuck up is probably last on the list of why Xbox flopped like a mother fucker this generation. It all started in 2009 when Microsoft decided that games aren't important during the Xbox 360 era, and that Kinect was the way forward.
  11. This is a common trend among multiple companies. A lot of US companies dislike their UK counter parts and vice versa. Not surprised in the least.
  12. Damn... Sony just fucked up Microsoft's strategy for streaming with this announcement. Now they're going to have to combine their streaming with Xbox Game Pass.
  13. It's a reach for sure. The joy con drift is real. The left joy con on my Switch is fucked and I don't even want to play it for that reason.
  14. Low quality garbage. My launch DS4 started drifiting... after four years of heavy use.
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