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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I think we can assume Home Depot is now diverting their trucks to the Carolinas? lul
  2. I can see Switch outselling itself from the previous year, but like I said, Switch will have to sell over ~7m units in the US alone if it wants to beat Wii numbers from 2010. What's the total sales now? Didn't they sell 3m units alone last holiday or was it 2m? I can't remember.
  3. Once again, you're warping it into something it's not. What's so difficult about understanding "unit sales market share"? Market share, in and of itself, is a percentage... in this case, it's based on unit sales which isn't directly saying the highest unit sales since 2010. I doubt Mat from NPD would fuck up his wording this bad. Not even your title is accurately portraying his tweet.
  4. You're confused. It means exactly what it says. Unit sales market share. Why are you warping it into something it's not?
  5. Wait a second, I had to re-read it again. This is even more cherry picked than I previously thought... "highest U.S. Video Game Hardware unit sales market share of any manufacturer". This isn't even about having the highest sales in the US since 2010, it's about having the highest sales market share 2010. What a useless piece of information. Who gives a fuck. We can thank the Xflop dOne's abysmal performance for that. Congrats... I guess.
  6. Since 2010, yeah I get it. It's one market... it'd be more impressive if they sold as many units as Wii did in 2009 (not going to happen) or even 2010 (unlikely ever going to happen) globally. These cherry picked wins don't really mean much outside of the US, but it does mean that Switch will have to sell over ~7.07 million units in the US alone. Mat must be counting on watered down Switch to have a huge launch; which it should being that it's only $200. Do we have numbers for other consoles in the US between 2010 and now annually?
  7. Pretty impressive... if you forget the global market exists and the competition's legs are getting tired; even so, PS4 is still outselling Switch in hardware and software globally at nearly 6 years old this year. Now that's impressive. Is Switch finally going to outsell PS4 this year? Pretty sure they're like over a million plus units behind, and that's with Japan's console market having been completely collapsed this entire generation... which is quite remarkable. Switch is relying completely on the console and handheld market to make their sales. Nintendo has already killed off t
  8. Pretty much. Conventional reflections/lighting are convincing enough that this application of ray tracing is too demanding for its own good. I would like to how other ray traced applications perform like audio.
  9. We warned you this is a current gen game and you didn't listen.
  10. 130MPH sustained. Careful out there @-GD-.
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