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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Not really. PlayStation Now's current performance is probably leaps and bounds better than what Project xCloud is right now... which is using Azure. Pretty sad. Why do you lie?
  2. They're both generic trash. State of Decay is complete and utter trash. FLOP.
  3. Last time I tried streaming it worked perfectly fine. It was actually pretty impressive compared to when I tried it in 2015. It's come a long way. You don't even have a clue what the line up looks like so how can you even compare it to Hobo Pass?
  4. It's in the same ball park as State of Decay, your GOTG. Rofl.
  5. Not really. Their game selection shits all over Game Pass's game selection by a mile despite them being older games. That's how terrible Hobo Pass is.
  6. Even lemmings love it. Can't you see how trained lemmings are to love trash, including yourself? Your GOTG is State of Decay.
  7. This doesn't need to be defended? It's impossible to be an idiot by pointing out the facts. Again, it is difficult to defend a piece of trash, so your response falls within expectations. I mean, what is there to say, really?
  8. It's crazy that one of PS4's worst rated games is actually AAA material when compared to Xbox One's entire first party lineup.
  9. How is it dumb that both Xbox and Project xCloud are complete and utter trash? 48% down YoY, Phil damage controlling every other day/week, Project xCloud is built on Xbox One S (one of the worst consoles ever conceived), terrible first party, disappointing studio acquisitions, Hobo Pass is flopping hence the reason Microsoft themselves encouraged the Hobo Pass Ultimate mishap, Halo Infinite will be best on PosC, etc. There's nothing left for Xbox. It's over.
  10. PlayStation Now is way ahead, not even a contest at this point. Project xCloud is flopping before it hits in October. What a sad state of affairs for Xbox in general. One thing for sure is that Project xCloud seems to be in parity with Microsoft's first party studios. Complete and utter trash.
  11. Does anyone really care about Xbox at this point? I mean, really?
  12. lynux3

    Ghost Recon

    Nope, but I still fuck around in Wildlands from time to time. Is it any good?
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