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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Switch also still hasn't outsold PS4 in a single year yet worldwide, but I suspect that's going to change this FY. A $199 Switch is hard to beat unless the rumors are true and a Super Slim PS4 comes out in September.
  2. I'm probably going to boot up GTA III this weekend and check this mod out.
  3. It's still better than a lot of games today.
  4. Got it cheaper than that back in the day in a Rockstar Games bundle.
  5. Maybe it was sounding better than anticipated and thought the quality may have been too high for their current portfolio.
  6. It wouldn't It'd still be down by a good 6-8K. Ah yeah, it did. The score got deleted.
  7. Wasn't there something about the speculated PS5 APU hitting 28K in Firestrike?
  8. The Haunting of Hill House Supernatural Burn Notice
  9. Meanwhile, lemshits get yet another dashboard UI change because it's so fucking horrible. Microsoft still hasn't figured out how to make a user interface that doesn't suck.
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