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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I thought it was related to tainted knock off alcohol? I don't keep up with it.
  2. Or when I lost Aguro in Shadow of the Colossus.
  3. Somewhat recently seeing that turtle rise in Gof of War I was like.. or seeing the serpent for the first time.
  4. Speaking of Nintendo 64 seeing Yoshi after getting 120 stars.
  5. Battletoads definitely looks like a flop.
  6. With homeboy at Microsoft bailing specs are most definitely already done. No going back now. There's also a rumor of a super slim PS4 on the way.
  7. It doesn't matter if they do or don't. Microsoft can afford a power disadvantage... what they can't afford is no first party games. They're not delaying shit.
  8. lynux3


    I remember being impressed by those bricks. I was impressed by a lot of shit when Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 launched... now it's like:
  9. First time the US didn't win the championship. Congrats Canadians. Well deserved.
  10. Yeah I think consoles aren't going to be any higher than ~1200MHz, but yeah obviously 1.25x increase isn't exact. Whatever metric they were using they obviously found the maximum they could and went with that. In a closed box this should be good enough. E3 2020 is going to be sick.
  11. Yeah he did after VanVleet made that 3 to make it 94-93.
  12. Did he just say the Rockets lead by 1?
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