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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Like I said, we're going to have to wait until E3 2020 to see a real next gen game. An underwhelming cutscene isn't cutting it and it's not just here who thinks this, but all over the gaming forums.
  2. You heard it here first folks. Physical development kits aren't used to develop games... instead they are ornaments courtesy of Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.
  3. I dare you to post that on Beyond3D.
  4. The fact that E3 2019 was mostly a rehash is a pretty good indication that people are working with early next generation devkits to get their games ready for cross gen game launches.
  5. It's not a big deal, but it completely goes against his expectations. The idea that devkits are out and people are talking s about it would interfere with that.
  6. It's a coping mechanism after the head of Game Informer said PS5 is looking to be more powerful than Scarlett.
  7. This is an image of actual final or close to final devkits. Not early devkits like I stated. Are you even reading?
  8. What? You're confused. Every early devkit has been spec'd PCs since the dawn of time until hardware is finalized and at that point final or close to final devkits are sent out months in advance.
  9. We just got word from a reliable source that Microsoft has already finalized hardware and it's all be taped off. Microsoft also already has devkits out... not sure what you're talking about.
  10. Spec'd PC hardware would equate to an early devkit... just like with current generation consoles.
  11. Don't you use ZhugeEX as a reference for Xbox One unit sales? https://www.resetera.com/threads/sony-playstation-first-party-studios-ot4-because-were-skipping-3.88555/page-66#post-17271971
  12. It wasn't the botnet theory you were concocting about Sony and it wasn't an outrageous idea in the first place (to use idle systems). What was beyond stupid is that you were pointing the finger at Sony for suggesting this idea as illegal and you got raped. Now that Phil is talking about it it's suddenly not illegal and somehow proved you right.
  13. Either he knows and is playing dumb, or he really doesn't know. I mean if the head of Game Informer hears whispers then you know Phil is hearing the same shit or at least his ninjas.
  14. Phil still sticking to not claiming Project Scarlett as the most powerful console.
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