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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/product/562671/final-fantasy-vii-remake-1st-class-edition-ps4 $329
  2. I'm seriously considering pre-ordering the 1st Class Edition.
  3. I agree, 12 cores isn't happening and it seems like a huge waste. It's too much space... unless they do go with four extra cores and that's why we're hearing Project Scarlett being weaker because they sacrificed CUs to fit their budget? Who knows. I think either scenario is unlikely and that it'll be a more realistic scenario like throwing in iterations of RDNA 2 to meet ray tracing requirements or benig completely based on RDNA 2.
  4. No, they haven't disclosed that information just that it's Zen 2.
  5. It certainly looks like it, albeit, at a lower clock. Even AMD's mobile CPUs aren't on Zen 2 yet, they're pushing them out on Zen+. I guess one way to see is by comparing a Zen+ desktop CPU with a Zen+ laptop CPU.
  6. Possibly. AMD obviously has an idea about how to put ray tracing in their cards so is it worth Microsoft's resources to customize in that area? I think they'd be better off putting their efforts elsewhere.
  7. https://www.anandtech.com/show/14528/amd-announces-radeon-rx-5700-xt-rx-5700-series/2 I think it's safe to assume that Project Scarlett is going to be based on "RDNA 2" (also Navi) or it will have the ray tracing bits from that architecture. Assuming the next-gen PlayStation's ray tracing is hardware based we can also assume it is also based on RDNA 2.
  8. I imagine the backwards compat team isn't the biggest so resources are limited. It does make sense to move them onto the next platform.
  9. We already knew that though, right? I believe Xbox One's backwards compatibility may be hardware and software based for Project Scarlett... same for next-gen PlayStation. So why the need to stop adding titles (Xbox and Xbox 360) to Xbox One S/X if its all emulated?
  10. Yeah no doubt it's going to support backwards compatibility for all Xbox generations. I was just curious as to how they're doing it then because I always figured they were running a super light instance of Hyper-V (or their emulation layer) which, in my mind, would make it easier to have their current backwards compatibility solution forward compatible. Hearing that they're stopping backwards compatibility on Xbox One consoles makes me think otherwise.
  11. It definitely lends credit to the rumor that the engineers were ready to push this thing out as soon as possible to work on the all-new RDNA. This filler Navi 12 isn't a big performer.
  12. Yeah, it doesn't look bad, but this Frankenstein GCN/Navi they're pushing right now sucks. It leads me to believe that the next-gen PlayStation and Project Scarlett are actually based on the real RDNA... seeing that they're both going to have ray-tracing.
  13. For Xbox One games? Sure. For Xbox 360 and Xbox? No. I always figured that the virtualization layer was basically going to be carry over and work forward and backward, but apparently not.
  14. Yikes. Moving onto Scarlett BC? Edit: Yes. Glad they're Xbox One X enhancing the RARE games, took them long enough.
  15. Well, it was about as good as E3 2019 has been so far this year.
  16. What a surprise! An overclocked RX 5700 XT.
  17. So far this has been pretty lame. Still waiting for that 3950X announcement that was leaked.
  18. It's 40CUs for the XT and 36CUs for the non-XT. $449 for the RX 5700 XT $379 for the RX 5700
  19. Those people are fools to think otherwise. We've already pretty much had confirmation that Navi is GCN laced with RDNA. Apparently, or at least from my understanding, Navi 10/20 are supposed to be real RDNA and Navi 12 is what we're seeing now. I could be wrong.
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