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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. 12 Minutes, Halo Infinite and Ori were my games of the show.
  2. More word coming from other sources. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2019/06/09/microsoft-fails-to-capitalize-on-sonys-absence-with-a-surprisingly-light-xbox-scarlett-reveal/#19e340591991
  3. On the bright side at least Microsoft confirmed some form of hardware based ray-tracing support. Even though it's not confirmed we can probably assume Sony's version will be hardware based as well which should establish ray-tracing in games from here on out... whether that be for audio, reflections or some other application.
  4. With the direction xCloud and PlayStation Now are going it's always going to be that way so there's no real surprise there. I just don't see streaming being that big of an impact in the near future or 6-7 years from now. The problem is accessibility, latency and the infrastructure where the biggest markets would be (US and EU) just isn't there. 5G isn't going to save it either. Just my opinion being in the networking business, regularly testing application performance, and even modifying hardware "accelerators" to assist in areas where applications fail in terms of efficiency/optimization.
  5. I don't think it really matters right now. Stadia isn't really doing anything original or amazing and game streaming is in an infant stage.
  6. I think this has always been the case for Project xCloud, it was never going to be anything more than what they originally announced. Stadia is just Stadia and I don't think anyone got blind sided by their showing... which was equally disappointing. Project xCloud was always going to be a direct competitor to PlayStation Now... Console streaming subscription service. If you're looking for a direct competitor to Stadia then you'll have to look at GeForce Now.
  7. It's going to be worse. Microsoft has not steered away from Project xCloud being a "console quality" streaming service. It's not going to be anywhere near what Stadia is right now until they start putting in Scarlett consoles in the racks.
  8. Disappointing they didn't do anything with Project xCloud after a year. Either they're reworking their marketing behind it or it's in bad shape. Only thing we saw was a copy-cat version of Remote Play.
  9. Well homeboy was right about Microsoft going with the "most immersive console experience" push.
  10. I'm glad the next Call of Duty is going hardcore in that direction to fuck these panzy journalists... they'll have no choice to praise it, watch. Might even see those who had an agenda for certain other games in the process.
  11. I have no doubt Naughty Dog will be able to pull it off. At least they showed gameplay and an animation system that no one has been able to reproduce yet.
  12. Maybe... what we've seen of The Last of Us 2 has been impressive so far. I have to rewatch it.
  13. Yeah 12 minutes looked real interesting.
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