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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. That's what we thought about Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2.
  2. Yeah, possibly. I mean a lot of these "insiders" also leaked a bunch of shit before E3 so there has to be some credibility in there.
  3. Phil Spencer E3 2018: Next generation "consoles". Phil Spencer E3 2019: Next generation "console". A lot of "insiders" confirming Lockhart and Anaconda and AMD having benchmarks for two chips that are closely tied to Lockhart and Anaconda.
  4. Geoff just asked Aaron Greenberg about multiple Scarlett consoles and he dodged the question. Based on Phil's comments it looks like Lockhart is dead. If that is true that's actually a smart move.
  5. Literally Sony could have gone to E3, showed Death Stranding, called it a day and probably would've won.
  6. I was kind of hoping to see more out of Halo Infinite and a new Banjo Kazooie.
  7. Microsoft changed their wording in regards to Scarlet. No mention of Xbox "consoles" and it's the most powerful console "they've ever created".
  8. Ori and Halo Infinite... Scarlet stuff.
  9. Which probably leans more towards Game Pass/xCloud going to Switch. Xbox being apart of 3rd party conferences, what a revelation! Every major player is going to be apart of these conferences. The only interesting thing that stands out is the possibility of Miyamoto showing up on stage.
  10. No one cares about Nintendo's Direct appearing on Mixer's E3 Schedule.
  11. Michael Pachter, "PlayStation 5... $800, have you looked at the specs?" "I don't know how you spec that thing out at $300 or $400." Sounds like PS5 might be pretty beefy.
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