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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. The thread delivered for sure. I like the That 70's Show correlation.
  2. It was in their investor relations meeting so nothing new here. I like that Sony is actually investing in PlayStation Now after all these years. I did the trial a couple months ago and it was significantly improved the last time I tried (2015). Image quality still isn't there, but they seem to have trimmed latency quite a bit. We'll see what happens after they hit their mid-term targets.
  3. Yes, and instantly got raped when he proposed the idea at NeoGAF. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/is-sony-trying-to-turn-ps4-into-a-botnet-for-streaming.1482211/
  4. From my understanding, the word is the deal between Sony and AWS on expanding went sour during negotiations and Microsoft approached Sony. Right now Sony is a leader in the imaging space so I'm sure both companies ironed out the possibilities of sharing and working together using each others technologies. At the end of the day and needless to say, this is pretty standard business as usual. Sony wants to expand, Microsoft approached them and now they're exploring the possibilities. This isn't something Microsoft is doing to "integrate" the industry or some hostile takeover, that's b
  5. Yeah, I understand they can leverage several GPUs, but that's another thing developers will have to take advantage of. Will developers actually utilize that kind of scaling? How does it work? It'll have to be better than Crossfire to be effective. Right now it just seems like a gimmick... Google's demonstration of being able to scale wasn't exactly impressive.
  6. What's the bad news? That people buying the next generation PlayStation will be able to continue to play with their friends who are still on PlayStation 4? Lock this shit, stupid thread.
  7. I played the beta. It was about what I expected after having tried PlayStation Now in the past. Image quality was better than PlayStation Now at 1080p, but the game was running at 30fps and latency was comparable. I guess my question is, is Stadia looking to be in the console territory in terms of performance or are they looking to be mid to high end PC performance? That's what I want to know... other than that nothing really interests me. It's Google. Edit: Oh yeah, I am interested to see if they actually bought some exclusive titles for their launch.
  8. lynux3

    I play guitar

    No, it's not that bad.
  9. Yeah... if this doesn't tell the story and why cows are laughing then nothing will. This is well documented. DellkidB HBK.
  10. Sony revealed the reason they're putting out all of this information is to curb leakers. I guess this is because they're not attending E3.
  11. Hopefully we'll find out on Sunday. Even the last trailer we got was pretty impressive looking to me so I can't wait to see if this really is the case.
  12. So Microsoft is said to show off Halo Infinite on the PC, but it sounds like it's going to be based on their next generation hardware spec. This could be the first glimpse into what to expect visually and assuming that's the case this should be interesting.
  13. I tried BlueStacks years ago to run Android apps on my box... it was pretty terrible. I'm sure they've matured quite a bit since.
  14. We just like making fun of you because you're NVIDIOT.
  15. Jesus. I'm starting to think you legit take people making fun is serious.
  16. It's quite obvious you didn't read anything thus far. You're having an issue understanding why cows were laughing and/or you're injecting false claims to help your argument. It's not even worth discussing any further, and you're not proving any points. This is literally petty shit and honestly no one really cares about this technology right now, and the technology itself needs incubation time. Microsoft's implementation was disastrous and honestly they probably didn't have the right team working on it. It'll come back better down the road when someone else does it better.
  17. It did fail, miserably too. Crackdown 3 is a complete letdown not only as a game, but as a promoter for the technology Microsoft was peddling as a reason to choose Xbox One over other competitor consoles. It was premature and they couldn't handle the project. That's not to say a valuable lesson wasn't learned or valuable insight wasn't gained to further develop said technology.
  18. It was hyped. It failed. Cows laughed. End of story. There's nothing more, nothing less. The only one twisting shit around here is you by injecting crap like, "cows think it's a great idea now and they didn't before!!1", "you guyz are always downpwayin technollergies1!11" when in reality cows laughed at how lemmings hyped the power of the cloud and Crackdown 3. No one said it was a bad idea, but no one believed Microsoft could pull it off... and guess what? They didn't. You're literally creating a completely separate argument just to strengthen your previous weaker argu
  19. I guess you're just going to continue to be a dumbshit so we can end this right here.
  20. Like I said, ignorance is bliss. Just because you don't pay attention to shit doesn't mean it wasn't discussed. Many, many people were discussing Lockhart to be a console that tied into the cloud for games before we even knew it was called Lockhart. Where the fuck were you at? It was even reported in the media. We're not flipping shit around, you're just a dipshit.
  21. Ignorance is bliss. I've seen it speculated several times. Not my problem you don't read into speculative discussions.
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