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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I think it was because of Sony's misleading Days of Play announcement video.
  2. This is confirmation that Xbox is going the way of the Lynx.
  3. Based on Todd Howard's comments it seems likely that both boxes are going to be pretty close in terms of power. The only difference being that Microsoft is going to the retard route by splitting their user base with two machines.
  4. Looking like $499 to me. 7nm isn't cheap and neither is the RAM (especially if they actually do use HBM2). Don't expect Microsoft to disclose pricing.
  5. I think Sony is going the same route as well outside the possible implementation of their custom SSD I/O shit that was laid out in those patents. Some speculate that Sony investigated storage I/O so heavily so they didn't have to put so much RAM in the box to keep costs down, but I don't know, seems a bit of a stretch. To be more clear about why it's surprising is because close-to-production silicon of the PS4 didn't hit dev studios until launch year.
  6. Considering we know close to nothing about the next generation Xbox it seems pretty surprising to me. Seems pretty early to already be looking at production samples. I was expecting maybe Q4 or Q1 2020. I read it that the next generation Xbox APU is design complete and now it's just time to work out any of the wrinkles. This lends some credit to the rumor that the design possibly not being as custom as we all thought it to be.
  7. Read it. 1.) Microsoft still not set on power figures. 2.) Production samples. This means that final silicon is closer to being finalized than most thought.
  8. You didn't even post the most important part.
  9. We've known for a while that Microsoft and Sony are aiming to be better than 10.7 TFLOPs.
  10. I'm sure there will be another poll when more information comes out.
  11. Killzone Shadow Fall... that game was pretty shit, though. Pretty sure Sony was pressuring to release whatever the fuck they could come up with. That game sucks.
  12. You've only shown a single game. That PosC couldn't dream of matching games like Uncharted 4, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, etc. visually.
  13. After playing Destiny I don't think I could go back to it. After playing Destiny it's hard to play any other shooter really... Bungie nailed the controls.
  14. It was heavy, but it wasn't trash. Killzone 2 multiplayer was legit as fuck.
  15. If GG stuck with their Killzone 2/3 visions, but had Sony put money into it, it could be a bigger franchise. Killzone not only fulfilled the FPS void it also had one of the best multiplayers last generation.
  16. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a dud like their next gen Killzone vision. I think Guerrilla Games cares too much about that IP to let it go that route, though.
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