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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Horizon 2 is definitely a PS5 game to get the ball rolling. Decima is easily one of the most impressive engines this generation.
  2. I have two 670's in SLI on my old box and yeah... they didn't age well. One game isn't really telling, but I'd say they're pretty close in comparison.
  3. I agree that the projection is wishful thinking, but Sony's team has to paint a pretty picture.
  4. That's a big loss for sure, but it's not enough to kill off Netflix. Eventually the video streaming bubble could pop if it splits off anymore.
  5. Hence the reason I worded as such, "Microsoft launching two consoles, assuming they will". It's an assumption, not a confirmation.
  6. You're going to lose money either way because on of those systems is going to be sitting on the shelves while the other moves. Microsoft launching two consoles, assuming they will, is beyond comprehension. I think the idea stems from how their team just isn't sure what the proper approach to the market is. Microsoft still has a lot of learning to do.
  7. Anything can be added to YouTube videos, including launch buttons for 3rd party services.
  8. Project xCloud will have a beta later this year and launch early 2020 probably. That's "good enough" in my book. I don't think Stadia is going to be some super disruptive force. As it is now Microsoft is basically running bare-metal with their current virtualization layer in place that is running on Xbox One now. Only difference is I/O (ala PS Now). Google looks pretty good with their approach, but then again, it's Google. After fucking around with Google Cloud since it's launch they still can't seem to get their shit together so I don't have much confidence in Stadia at the moment
  9. Azure is just another option for Sony and Sony has already committed to leveraging their current infrastructure which can hold 5 million users as it is today. It's a matter of when will Sony be introducing their next generation hardware into the data center rather than how long will it take them to expand their service.
  10. The service will be launching as it is today, nothing more, nothing less. As I've already said in the other thread where we discussed this, Microsoft and Sony eventually putting their next generation hardware in the data center is a natural evolution of the service, so it will happen. It's just not going to happen the year it launches, guaranteed.
  11. By the time the next generation consoles come out Project xCloud is going to be dated just like PlayStation Now was a year and half later after PlayStation 4 launched. It wasn't until PlayStation 4 games released and Sony started offering to download their games. Eventually both services will be putting their next generation hardware into blades like Sony does now with PS3/PS4, but that won't be until Sony/Microsoft can satisfy the launch window consumer base or hardcore users first.
  12. I didn't forget anything. Project xCloud is just an imitation of what PlayStation Now is currently. We already know the road map for PlayStation Now, but there's many question marks regarding Project xCloud and their road map. So far it looks like Microsoft is doing what Sony is doing.
  13. I don't understand how you can say Microsoft's biggest competitor in the streaming space is Google? Google and Microsoft's biggest streaming competitor is PlayStation right now. It also depends on Google's strategy moving forward... are they going with a PC like experience or are they going closed box experience like PlayStation and Xbox. I guess we'll find out on Thursday, possibly.
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