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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Another insane statistic is 780 games available on PlayStation Now.
  2. I didn't read it as limited to 5 million, but I do see that PlayStation Now is apparently readily available to serve 70% of their userbase.
  3. The Remote Play stat is pretty crazy. I'll be interested to see how Sony attempts attract 4.3m more subscribers for PlayStation Now.
  4. Thanks, a lot of good information here.
  5. Monster Hunter World slaughtering. I hope Iceborne does well.
  6. Sony also announced that they now have more than 94 million monthly active users now. That's +4 million from their last announcement so there is some healthy growth right there.
  7. That's crazy, and there's nothing remotely appealing about it to me.
  8. One X doesn't incorporate this so not likely.
  9. Only thing that stands out to confirm its existence is Phil Spencer's E3 presentation when he noted "consoles".
  10. Shit, I think before I dismantled my Pro it was probably louder than your Vega 64. Damn thing might have been louder than my mini fridge. Changing out the low quality thermal paste and padding quieted that thing right up. I noticed it exhausts a lot more heat now though as result.
  11. Which is where the interesting theory came in that the HBM2 memory will be sitting on top of the IO die instead of the APU... assuming that is how it'll be organized.
  12. Possibly. I think at the end of the day it depends on the tooling and balance between all of the components. Regarding tooling, last we heard about tooling (Digital Foundry) developers expressed that PS4's SDK was quite a bit better than XDK. I think that is mostly due to Microsoft having to satisfy with two different systems (Xbox One / S, Xbox One X), so naturally resources are split. If there's one thing Microsoft has learned from Xbox One X, it's how to pony up and implement a more substantial cooling solution. While not original, it worked very well.
  13. Ah, I was under the impression that Xbox One X was making money day one. I guess we'll see what happens, but I don't think Microsoft is going Vega at all, though.
  14. If there are memory differences I now believe that Sony could definitely be using HBM2 (Games) and DDR4 (OS), and Microsoft going with GDDR6. I used to make fun of DynamiteCop for even suggesting the idea, but now I'm a believer. If it ends up being that way I'll buy him a pack of Zima.
  15. Yeah, I don't think it was because the system wasn't selling at a loss, but rather Sony was actually putting out good software during that period in addition to expanding their services (PS+) and generally generating more profit through PSN.
  16. I think Sony and Microsoft's consoles aren't going to be much different this time around especially in costs. I don't think Microsoft can afford a BOM of $600 and sell for $499, just doesn't make sense. They didn't do that with Xbox One X so why start now? I understand that software/services can offset the costs, but Sony can do the same thing just as easily. It just doesn't make much business sense. With Lockhart I don't think Microsoft will be pricing a weaker console at $400 when you have a substantially more powerful PS5 at the same price (potentially). It would be
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