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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Damn, Xbox is truly dead now. Microsoft had a good run. I expect similar results when the new generation lands.
  2. It definitely is a joke/troll thread. I mean... does anyone really believe this shit? This is the epitome of Hopes & Dreams™ laced in delusion.
  3. Even the Switch is eating Xbox's lunch. That's pretty embarrassing.
  4. Rofl, I like the part where the kid is driving his car backwards.
  5. Go to LVB Burger as well... also at the mirage. Good burgers and milkshakes. I recommend StripSteak at Mandalay Bay for dinner as well.
  6. Let's not forget the possibility of Ryzen 9! I agree though, I think AMD did a good job with the names.
  7. More or less, yeah. That particular series (Ryzen 2000 series) is based on the Zen+ architecture.
  8. There is no Ryzen 2 or Zen 3. There's only Zen 2 (architecture) and Ryzen 3000 series. Zen 3 is a year or more out. This is all rumors and speculation. I'm not sure what "news" you're talking about.
  9. The rumor is next generation Xbox is going to be using any "Zen 3" design.
  10. Don't get your panties in a knot over there. It's not like Switch's major 3rd party support is worth a shit anyways.
  11. This isn't going to save Switch when next generation launches. Nintendo will need to release new hardware if they want to continue to get their ports.
  12. Lemmings have to go back not one, not two, but four years to make a point.
  13. It's confirmed for the next PlayStation. https://wccftech.com/sony-ultra-high-speed-ssd-key-to-our-next-gen/
  14. The ability to swap the drive too... We've been able to do this on PlayStation for well over a decade now.
  15. The walls are transparent at 3:02 in the video.
  16. Not sure, but it doesn't matter. Microsoft isn't even going to maintain the code for it. https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-Samples/tree/master/Libraries/D3D12RaytracingFallback
  17. AMD already confirmed their DX12 GPUs will support DXR's fallback layer, but it doesn't matter. Microsoft isn't even going to maintain that code anymore.
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