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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. These will be specialty controllers, not mainstream, but Microsoft is doing work for people with accessibility issues. Good stuff.
  2. Rofl, he single handedly killed UWP.
  3. Another State of Play is suppose to be announced around E3. Speculation is The Last of Us 2 is going to show.
  4. You can't even spell defense the American way. The fuck outta here.
  5. lynux3


    Keep reaching, DerpB. You done fucked yourself on that one.
  6. lynux3


    I have been thinking about throwing in an SSD and starting fresh. I use the console for more than what your gay ass demonstrated, which again, utilized the Guide for most functions. I only use the Guide in game, not to get around the goddamn base OS. If it's not horribly designed, then why are you using the Guide to get around the OS? Because it's horribly designed. I don't give a shit what you say, I don't want ads on my home screen, it's not necessary and it's intrusive. What part of that do you not understand? You just accept it because it's Xbox. With the PS4 in t
  7. lynux3


    How did I answer my own question? Did I say it was an online only game? It's obvious an online only game will take you back to a login screen seeing that the client and server need to communicate. You're dumb as fuck. HandicapB LMFAO
  8. lynux3


    Well no shit, they're online only and require a constant heartbeat with the server. I'm talking about single player shit.
  9. lynux3


    Yes, I'm lying despite all the reports I provided you. Not to mention that I also experience the exact same issues on my One X. Admittedly, I also had this issue with my PS4 Pro after the first 6 months, but I swapped in an SSD over a year ago and haven't had an issue since. Maybe I should do that on my One X... oh wait. You're not fooling anyone here. All you do is fling around insults when you know you're wrong about something. The One's OS is straight shit and I don't give a fuck how you use it. Horrible design, laggy and ad-filled shit. What other proof do you need? You've
  10. lynux3


    While we're on the topic of how shitty the Xbox One's OS is; how come the suspend/resume feature is so borked? Shit never works properly and even some games don't even support it. I can't ever recall this being an issue on my PS4 or PS4 Pro.
  11. lynux3


    Of course you did. It was the only way to hide the ugly truth of how horribly designed, laggy and ad-filled that UI is. No one gives a shit how quickly you got into the settings, for fuck sake. Settings are mostly a one and done deal. It's becoming apparent that not even lemmings like the UI seeing as they're using the Guide button as a handicap. Admittedly, I do too for the same reasons. It's trash and so are you.
  12. lynux3


    You didn't demonstrate anything, but looking at your game library. Then complain about how you have to go to the PS4 library to see... your library. Then even mention a solution and admitting folders is an option. I suppose those games pinned themselves? They're intrusive, annoying and don't belong on my home screen. If I feel like being advertised to I'll hit up the store. Fuck off, faggot. Xbox One's OS is a straight up dumpster fire. http://bfy.tw/NWnV http://bfy.tw/NWna
  13. lynux3


    Sounds about right.
  14. lynux3


  15. lynux3


    It hasn't even surpassed Switch's OS let alone PS4. Even Microsoft thinks it's trash, hence the reason they change it every other year. It's a terrible design plain and simple. Shitty tiles, laggy, ads on my home screen and I can't even pin games... because Xbox One has no games.
  16. lynux3


    It's generally accepted that Xbox One's OS is 100% garbage. Sorry, bud.
  17. lynux3


    There's no debate to be had. It's trash. Move on.
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