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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. lynux3


    You just proved my point.
  2. lynux3


    This is a blatant lie.
  3. lynux3


    They are in the way. They're on my home screens. Fuck off with that shit. Xbox One's OS is garbage, this isn't up for debate.
  4. lynux3


    Competent? Easily accessible?
  5. lynux3


    Complains about ads... ignores dashboard is full of them. It's not about going through the sections using the shoulder buttons. It's about how trashy and disorganized cluster fuck the OS is. It's terrible. It's worse than PS4's OS and hell, even Switch's OS is a shit ton better.
  6. lynux3


    The guide button is legit and should essentially be the OS. They've redesigned the OS like three times this generation and each iteration gets worse and worse. The entire home screen looks like a bunch of ads with its cluttered, lame tile based shit. As a matter of fact, each section has a fuck ton of bullshit ads all over it and I don't recall even being able to turn it off. Ads should stay in the store where it belongs, not on my HOME screen. You can easily turn ads off on the PS4's OS by simply unchecking the "Featured Content" in the system settings... Microsoft n
  7. lynux3


    Yes it is. It's a cluster fuck, laggy and unintuitive piece of shit.
  8. lynux3


    No. It's not. It's complete and utter trash.
  9. lynux3


    I'm sure Navi will be fine. People were upset about Bonaire when PS4 was launching and look how that all turned out. Non-sense for sure. He definitely acts like Microsoft is the best in the business when it comes to hardware design... Xbox? Literally off the shelf shit and oversized. Xbox 360? Red Ring of Death. Xbox One? DDR3, eSRAM and oversized garbage. Xbox One X, inspired by PS4's overall design, is their only decent piece of hardware, but still stuck with Xbox One's terrible OS. Xbox One easily has the worst OS of any console ever made.
  10. lynux3


    Vulkan is a beast, especially on AMD's instruction set. The fact is that everything mostly caters towards NVIDIA so AMD's offerings are artificially fucked up. I think this is why Remij said that AMD is looking to move toward what NVIDIA has been doing with their architecture for their next gen offering. Edit: Additionally, it doesn't help that AMD's driver team isn't even close to NVIDIA's team.
  11. lynux3


    GCN strikes again. Glad this will be the last of GCN.
  12. lynux3


    Alright, so it's not 1:1, but it's still a hopped up Polaris GPU which is either based on the RX 480 or the 580. Doesn't even really matter. The most significant change to Xbox One X is that they looked at Sony's base PS4 solution and said, "fuck, we got out engineered like a mother fucker." So bad they completely dropped Kinect, eSRAM and DDR3... a stupid move to begin with. Either way, desktop Navi isn't looking too hot based on these rumors. Comparing the Pro to the next PlayStation 5 is just grasping for straws. PS4 Pro served as a step towards 4K support/output... not
  13. lynux3


    The GPU in the X doesn't have a real world counterpart... I guess the RX 580 isn't a real world GPU.
  14. lynux3


    Running back to "Arcturus" now? A Hopes & Dreams non-existent architecture. Microsoft is most definitely using Navi, and it's probably more off-the-shelf than Sony's version. DEAD
  15. lynux3


    This is the desktop variant, but I don't expect the console variants to fare much better. Xbox is dead.
  16. lynux3


    This isn't Sony's Navi. Anaconda and Lockhart are going to be disasters if this is true.
  17. Maybe so, but it's the right thing to do, IMO. The design is horrible.
  18. They're changing Sonic's design, thank God.
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