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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Kevin Butler single handedly destroyed Xbox's entire marketing campaign during his time.
  2. Courtesy of DynamiteCop, our resident undercover Days Gone fan:
  3. Nope, and they never will to save face. PS3 sold more than 999.4m games... which means that would put Xbox 360 at 2 billion games sold, which is just wishful thinking. They probably sold a billion as well or maybe just a little less. PS3 was able to surpass 360 with a year to a year a half less time. Turn around complete. It was reported by IDC that PS3 surpassed 360 back in the beginning of 2013 before PS4 even launched... no doubt the trend didn't stop from there. PS3 won. No surprise there, 3shitty died in 2009 and turned into a wannabe Wii.
  4. I think Dynamite is upset because he keeps getting steam rolled on GAF.
  5. You're right, NPD doesn't lie. Which is why EEDAR (NPD) shows PS3 outsold Xbox 360.
  6. lynux3


    PS3 outselling 3shitty has really gotten to you.
  7. lynux3


    https://www.pcgamer.com/analyst-predicts-20m-people-will-abandon-gaming-pcs-for-checks-notes-tv-gaming-platforms/ Yes they have.
  8. lmao, it's beyond pathetic. Looks like the tweet got deleted too.
  9. Nothing on Xflop, that's for damn sure.
  10. You bought State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3 and Lucky's Tale. You're worse than a sheep.
  11. Jason Schreier says Sony revealed features of the PS5 last week because they knew leaks would start popping up. Apparently dev kits are rolling out to developers now. Essentially they wanted to beat them to the punch and to get everyone talking about next generation before Microsoft did.
  12. Yeah, in its third and fourth year it just blew the fuck up and literally "fell off a cliff" the following years. Insane amount of sales, but ultimately it ended up being exactly what it was (albeit with great games)... a fad. Everyone I know who had a Wii never played it beyond Wii Sports and some Nintendo exclusives (like SMG). I probably won't ever turn mine on again... nothing about it interests me and I wish they'd bring SMG over to the Switch. Microsoft and Sony both tried to get in on it and both failed. 10 years later and the PlayStation Move actually has a purpose with V
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