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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. There's nothing dumb about Halo 4 looking like shit. There's only one console that Microsoft has released that was more powerful than a PlayStation, and that was the abysmal original Xbox. Continue damage control? Looks real good, "For Xbox".
  2. You couldn't have picked a shittier looking game.
  3. PS3 > 360 With Cell doing graphics work exclusive games looked better than anything 360 could produce.
  4. Like it was yesterday. After the Xbox 360 being weaker than the PS3, lemmings were certain the Xbox One would be back on top... and then their Heops & Dreams™ came crashing down in the form of a ~500GFLOPs power difference. Sony: 2 Microsoft: 1
  5. Just wet dreams. No one really knows anything.
  6. It's sad to see sheep relying on Xbox games to get them through the drought.
  7. As far as we know xCloud is purely One S hardware. Nothing so far suggests Lockhart is replacing that and since xCloud, as far as we know, is being established using One S hardware this definitely isn't the case. Microsoft wants a casual box and Lockhart is either going to fill the void or completely fail. It could also have other ramifications too like Anaconda being an overly expensive box where sales are low, like Xbox One X, and forcing people out of the market for Xbox because Lockhart is too shitty and Anaconda is too expensive. PlayStation's next generation console will likely be the sw
  8. lynux3


    Game is pretty insane.
  9. Damn. It's going to be Anaconda's ball and chain day one. PS5 will be the lead development platform once again.
  10. Definitely for PS2 and with the right developers throwing work at a PS3 emulator, yes. There were several patents about backwards compatibility, but I'm not sure if there is anything specific to a particular console.
  11. They're in a drawer with a dual-lock.
  12. Why don't you fuck yourself with the dual-cock.
  13. It's the only positive thing that Microsoft has done in the last 6 years.
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