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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. This shit looks terrible as fuck.
  2. E3 will probably suck this year. Transitional period for gaming means no serious announcements.
  3. Looks like they already raised it back to $100/yr. Still better value than FlopPass.
  4. Been using the trial this last week and it's really come a long way from when I beta tested back in 2014. They even still had my old saves from Puppeteer. Compared to GamePass the game selection is significantly better.
  5. I haven't even watched it, completely forgot about it. I saw a rumor of them lowering PSNow to $60 a year. Did that happen?
  6. I'll check it out because haircut time is coming up quick.
  7. No, but I wish I could. When I go and get a haircut I want to get in and get out ASAP. Don't feel like having small talk with the hair dresser or none of that mess. I got better things to do.
  8. I like my Switch, but it's definitely not the best place for new games. The Switch is only as good as Nintendo's first party, which so far, has not disappointed.
  9. Not much of a loss here. Sony always has PlayStation Network sales directly on the store.
  10. I forgot all about Qore. Good memory. I used to try to get all of their releases.
  11. Would be dope. I mean, PSP was pretty much their hybrid already.
  12. Before Nintendo Direct, there was PlayStation Underground.
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