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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Project xCloud is going to be the worst of the three major streaming services, easily.
  2. Yeah, they literally just expanded PS Now.
  3. I'd love to have HBM. It runs decently cool and is low power. I'm awaiting Computex to hear the whole story because that's more than likely when AMD takes the wraps off Navi.
  4. Either way, HBM or GDDR will work. It's been rumored that Navi will be supporting both HBM and GDDR. Seeing that HBM costs a lot more than GDDR it just makes more sense that console manufacturers will go with the cheaper solution.
  5. The reality is that we should be using this since bandwidth doesn't matter unless you're on some ancient shit from 2005. http://www.azurespeed.com/Azure/Latency
  6. Like I said, the Vega arch only uses HBM. AMD never made it compatible with other forms of memory like they're doing with Navi.
  7. They're using a variation of the Vega GPU... which only uses HBM, dipshit.
  8. Sekiro looks badass. JoncantBeatasoulsgameHBK
  9. https://www.speedtest.net/global-index#fixed
  10. Lemmings needed a game to play.
  11. Indeed, no need to keep embarrassing you. Just listen to me next time and there won't be a problem.
  12. I played in the Project Stream beta. It was 30fps. You're a dumbass.
  13. Anyone can design an application to be launched from within a browser so it's not that impressive. It is interesting to see that Google publicly acknowledges that they have a bunch of nodes (not data centers) powering their platform which means they're leasing space in data centers they don't own just like Sony is with PlayStation Now.
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