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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. God of War, Horizon, Uncharted 4, SoTC, etc. look amazing in 4K HDR.
  2. This is the same song everyone was singing towards the end of last generation.
  3. Jesus. ~220K is all they could come up with? Xbox is dead.
  4. Yeah, you got raped again just like you got raped regarding Assassin's Creed Odyssey running natively at 30fps during Project Stream's beta.
  5. You're right, the market is already out there. That's why PlayStation Now is the biggest game streaming platform. The main market will continue as it is now for the foreseeable future. You can't seem to beat this shit into anyone's head because no one is as delusional as you are. No company is uniquely positioned... yet somehow Microsoft's cloud is already designed around this. Nice back pedal. They're playing catch up plain and simple, accelerated the process even after Google announced Project Stream and successfully publicly demonstrated it through a beta. No one gives a fuck wh
  6. Nah man... this is where only a select portion of the market will be going eventually. You have to take into consideration that cloud gaming isn't going to a meaningful experience for most people with high latency issues. Latency can't just be solved with software it can only be masked and it can't apply to every single game. The only way to solve latency is infrastructure and the majority of the world doesn't have it. The entire company is designed around providing cloud infrastructure for hosting enterprise applications for small to large businesses and provide them enterprise of
  7. It's insane how desperate Microsoft has become to stay relevant in the gaming industry. Uprooted Xbox as a traditional console and turning it into a service, expanding Xbox Live to other platforms due to dwindling/stagnant user base, and heavily investing into a cloud gaming platform that doesn't even exist outside of controlled testing environments. Not to mention the first public demonstration was completely faked and/or looked terrible as fuck.
  8. If I was smoking crack my username would be Team 2019.
  9. I think you're completely missing the point, to no ones surprise. You're missing the point just like PS5 is going to miss 2019.
  10. Advertising is Google's bread and butter. You're ignorant as hell.
  11. Goddamn, you're dumb as fuck. Hopefully Putin shuts off your Internet access.
  12. https://www.engadget.com/2019/03/13/google-ads-target-in-app-purchases/
  13. lmao, Aza excited about everything he's been against since PS Now started.
  14. Yeah, totally, seeing that Ubisoft successfully fended off Vivendi. I can totally see them wanting to be acquired by a company that has no understanding or footprint in the gaming industry.
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