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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. lmao, wow. This was supposed to be a big AAA studio on par with Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games or Santa Monica Studios, etc. Now it sounds like they're going to attempt to be a Ninja Theory. That's a disappointment.
  2. This would be the first megaton in a very long time.
  3. Because the Windows Store is a worthless POS.
  4. They're definitely charging for it.
  5. It took almost two decades, but Sony finally killed the Xbox.
  6. I'll take your word for it since you seem to be right all of the time.
  7. Looks pretty good. I see some PlayStation buttons in there so I guess its got DualShock support.
  8. So I guess Google will be replacing Microsoft since Microsoft is on their way out.
  9. lynux3


    Shorter than I thought.
  10. lynux3


    Most definitely. You can really make it look super clean. Though I'm not sure your 2080 Ti will fit. Don't you have two of them?
  11. lynux3


    I use an H200. Used to use a Define S Nano. Mini ITX all the way, but it's a PITA to work with.
  12. lynux3


    Quit being a pussy and show us your pre-built.
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