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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. It has a lot of potential. It's basically a game engine for consumers and even developers. Not even the same as LBP, which was AAA. I think we could see good shit from it. It's about as awful as Mario Maker which isn't awful at all.
  2. Yeah, totally... Killzone has been on the heels of Halo up until Shadow Fall which seemed like a rushed launch game. Notice how the user scores are also higher than Failos.
  3. Microsoft's 3rd party partnership choices have been appalling this generation, but honestly it matches up perfectly with the abysmal introduction, sales and performance of the Xbox One family of consoles perfectly. Even the studios they acquired aren't even that great. Ninja Theory had one good game thus far and it was a game Sony promoted, not Microsoft. Their one crown jewel they got lucky picking up was Obsidian and they're pretty much a PC developer.
  4. I hope it's a little of both to be honest. I also enjoyed Killzone Shadowfall's multiplayer a bit (and it's still alive too!), but I'd like them to be story heavy with great gameplay. Either way I feel like Guerilla Games is renewed after the success of Horizon so I expect them to put out some great stuff in the future.
  5. You have to remember that the PS3 server blades are completely custom and don't fall in line with regular manufacturing of the consumer console. There's no shell, no media inputs, audio/video output has been overhauled to reduce overall latency and each blade makes up eight PS3 core systems. You don't even know what the ROI is and what does one underwater data center project/experiment have anything to do with cloud gaming? If ROI was as bad as you think it is PlayStation Now wouldn't be expanding, and the service would be discontinued. It's already generating hundreds of millions of d
  6. They need to hurry up. We know they poached a couple dudes from Rainbow Six Seige's online multiplayer/design team. Despite Killzone Shadowfall sucking ass I still think the Killzone universe has a shit ton of potential.
  7. Godly game and well deserved. One of the best looking games too, still one of the best implementations of HDR and it's already 2 years old now. I hope Guerilla puts this much heart and effort into their next Killzone game and I can't wait for the next Horizon. Isn't Guerilla Games a two game studio now?
  8. 4K modes on Pro and X is much closer but Pro is still a touch smoother than X
  9. You might have a point if the day 1 first party games weren't massive flops, had more downloadable games let alone streamable games, and 200 of its games weren't indie and 3shitty fluff trash. Even you forgot about Forza Horizon in less than a week.
  10. Lost Sould Aside It looks badass, hopefully Sony injected some flow into the studio making it.
  11. It's a side kick console, but more importantly an avenue to playing Nintendo games. The reality is no one buys a Switch to play anything other than Nintendo games mostly. Little indie exclusives here and there are just complements. I'm not surprised that people pick this system up to complement their PS4/PC.
  12. Competition is welcome. My question was very simple. Seeing as these platforms are there for digital game distribution then that's where it should stop. Their recurring revenue and getting customers to come back should be enticing gamers with services or exclusives (ala EGS), not distribution schemes. These major platforms like to hold your digital licenses hostage, associate them with an account (which is fine for license purposes) and make you use their launchers. I want to simply be able to buy a digital game (license intact) and launch it without any further hassle. I don't give a flying f
  13. What am I supposed to respond to? You still haven't been able to comprehend my question. Not my fault.
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