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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Edit: Oops, just read "who only had one album". Still a good song, though.
  2. One of the best multiplayer games of last gen. Insomniac completely fucked it up in Resistance 2 and 3.
  3. 3600G, if the rumors are true, will be launching later this year or early next year. Assuming the naming scheme is correct that's AMD's new APU, Zen 2 + Navi. Next year is still a very real possibility. This year it's definitely not happening. 2020 or 2021 seems reasonable, though, no doubt about it. We know for sure that Sony and AMD have been working on a semi-custom solution and Navi for at most 2 years now.
  4. NVMe isn't happening. Zen 2 chiplets are cheap, GDDR6 is not much more expensive than GDDR5 and Navi is, for the most part, a mid-range GPU. Zen 2 is launching in July... possibly Navi along with it or later in the year.
  5. Quit making these threads to justify your gone-horribly-wrong RTX card. RTX is a mistake.
  6. She is amazing. Going to look her up and give her my Twitch Prime sub.
  7. Best part about your delusion is that you think a 60fps stream is some how magically going to compensate for something running natively at 30fps.
  8. Retardmij went from: "No, it stweamz @ 60fps " to "I neber said it didn't wun naitively @ 30fps " to "Different serbers, different locatons... " This fuckin' Can'tnadian can't decide what damage control to use.
  9. Project Stream @ 30fps: 179ms Killzone Shadowfall @ 30fps: 174ms Heavy Rain @ 30fps: 172ms Ouch. Hurts doesn't it? Or can your asshole even feel it anymore?
  10. Project Stream @ 30fps: 179ms Killzone Shadowfall @ 30fps: 174ms Heavy Rain @ 30fps: 172ms
  11. Project Stream @ 30fps: 179ms Killzone Shadowfall @ 30fps: 174ms Whoops, there goes your theory about streaming video at 60fps will assist latency when the game is running natively at 30fps. Yes, you did get fucked in the ass, enjoyed it and keep coming back for more.
  12. Yeah, I'm dumb as fuck. Considering the fact that your own reference shoots down everything you've been arguing about. How embarrassing.
  13. Read your own reference you fucking clown. Resolution doesn't even matter. It's either 30fps or 60fps.
  14. Your dumbfuckery literally has no bounds. You obviously have zero idea how any of this works nor even read your reference material. If it was 60fps then why is latency on par with PlayStation Now? Go ahead and shit out more ignorance on that question.
  15. I'm seriously sick of arguing with you about this. You're being beyond retarded about this entire thing especially knowing that I participated in the beta yet you continue to ignore it. You even go as far as quoting Digital Foundry and blatantly miss the most important aspect of the entire article you copy/pasted from. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. Just put it away and move on.
  16. You completely missed the most important part, "the Stream version of Assassin's Creed Odyssey runs capped at 30 frames per second".
  17. It's all trivial bullshit, but Remij is an NVIDIA fanboy and we got to ruffle his feathers once in a while when we get the chance.
  18. So did I, based on the only damn game that was available, which was Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Unless you have some other proof of another game or Assassin's Creed Odyssey running at 60fps on Project Stream please feel free to provide evidence. Not only did I get accepted into the beta, I also tried it out for myself. The game ran at 30fps, end of story. There's nothing there indicating that Google's Project Stream isn't capable of 60fps, but based on my experience and many others the game was running at 30fps. It looks like Google is going to have something to say at GDC 2019 so
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