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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. This must be so depressing and demoralizing for the team at Sumo Digital. This is likely the last nail in the coffin for this franchise.
  2. I never said scaling back would indicate a disaster, but scaling back so significantly to where your original vision doesn't even come close to being met does indicate it's a technological disaster. The game didn't even come close to its original vision. It was ambitious, but at the end of the day the technology was over hyped and ultimately an under delivered mess.
  3. I think we can all agree on that this game was also a technical disaster seeing as how it's original vision was scaled down significantly. Evident by reviews and recorded footage.
  4. Who cares about Crackdown 3 at this point? It's a financial and critical disaster.
  5. Shuhei already said there are unannounced PS4 games. Unless those games got canceled or moved into next generation nothing here suggests there isn't more 1st party stuff coming.
  6. I don't think it matters. People will migrate to PlayStation or PC.
  7. I'm going with yay. When done right it looks fine.
  8. Maybe so, and maybe I'm ADD too, but I couldn't get passed the slowness. It was too much. I'll come back to it eventually.
  9. Looks pretty good. I'll play a game where I get to control JonB.
  10. You don't even believe what you're saying. There's a reason why user score on this game is AA. Overrated.
  11. Pretty good video. I pre-ordered the game (haven't played it yet), but are load times really 4 minutes? I would think DF would touch on that in the video.
  12. That's for damn sure. dumBo turned hermit faster than Microsoft's Xbox division. Evertying is on PC now.
  13. Is it a Phil problem or is Xbox Game Studios creatively bankrupt? I think it's a mix of both, but more of the latter.
  14. I'd play the shit out of Mario Kart VR.
  15. You don't have to download if you don't want to. Just thought I'd share it.
  16. Nah, it's just a .PDF outlining the spartans, mutants, weapons and equipment. Just some shit I got from an Amazon promotion that I had to redeem from Square Enix's site.
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