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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Man, I was really hoping for at least SNES games for Nintendo Switch Online. Super Mario Maker 2, Captain Toad update/DLC and Link's Awakening look pretty good. Don't really care for grossly inferior ports, Fire Emblem or that new Platinum game. Is Star Link any good?
  2. Too bad they downgraded co-op from four to two players. I could see this being pretty fun with four people blowing shit up.
  3. It looks pretty damn terrible. Infamous Second Son, a launch window game, looks a lot better.
  4. Your posts read like a retard off his meds.
  5. Lmao Microsoft cock suckers REEF
  6. People are still crying about this over blown topic? What the fuck is Wargroove?
  7. If it doesn't happen then Nintendo has no idea what they're doing.
  8. Brad Sams a filthy Microsoft shilling faggot. Annoying as fuck too. Micropenis is currently trying as hard as possible to sell Xbox Game Pass in its DICE Summit 2019 speech right now and no one seems to give a fuck. The fact that they're focusing on a subscription based model for gaming supports the theory that the next Xbox will have, at the very least, a SKU with no disc drive. Not to mention that they're basically following Sony's lead when it comes to PlayStation Now and 5G. Microsoft is easily one of the least forward thinking and biggest followers of any industry they're in.
  9. This is Microsoft's way of padding Crackdowngrade 3's player count. It ensures they have something positive to say about the impending flop.
  10. That would be badass. You're right, though, it is too logical.
  11. Per HTML standards. Blue: 0000EE Visited: 551A8B
  12. Cooke didn't even backup anything prior to making changes. We're fucked now!
  13. What you should have done is removed the underlining of embedded links and left it blue. That's new new.
  14. Blue is a widely accepted norm for embedded links in text.
  15. Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
  16. Yeah, it looks like shit and can be confused with someone underlining text. Terrible move.
  17. I think Sony is going to sell the system as they intended right off the bat. No reason to split SKUs at launch. Sony knows the hardcores are going to go in and swoop it up regardless of the price or how sweet the deal may or may not be. The last thing Sony wants or needs is the retard bundle sitting in supply chains because all the hardcores went and got the better model at launch (ala PS3 20GB). Will be interesting though to see what it's all about at the end of the day.
  18. Doubtful. Sony will go one SKU for the exact reasons madmaltese mentioned. Sony will allow hard drive swapping as they've done for the last two generations defeating the purpose of a SKU with a larger hard drive.
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