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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Looking at it like that it would seem almost impossible, but here we are.
  2. And Microsoft is supposed to bring Xbox Live to Switch. Hopefully Nintendo shuts that shit down.
  3. This game has been delayed for years and it's still being rushed.
  4. Rofl, DynamiteCop telling others "that's not how shit works". Jesus.
  5. That's on a per chip basis straight up 1:1. We're talking hundreds of thousands or even millions of chips... at that point you're only downfall is yield. Sony is not paying $300 for memory. And they sure as fuck aren't using GDDR5X or HBM. Another thing you haven't looked at is what is SK and Samsung pricing these chips at? Micron has always been historically more expensive. Sony uses Samsung memory. Until we see what component is being used we won't know how much they're paying or at least get a rough ideal.
  6. 70% cost surplus according to who and for what application? You're looking at it completely wrong.
  7. Seriously. It would be ridiculous if OEMs were paying $500+ for that amount of memory. No one would be stupid enough to even touch that shit including NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, and not to mention if those prices were the case no semiconductor would even be fabricating that shit.
  8. No, that's not direct from Micron. You're so stupid. Yeah, let me stop for a second, stop being stupid and pretend Navi isn't being designed to utilize GDDR6 and HBM2...
  9. No, you're a dumbass if you think that's the real pricing for these components. You've been wrong time and time again yet you insist on calling others delusional. You're going to be eating crow as usual.
  10. I'll remember this when the console launches and someone does a breakdown of the costs again.
  11. It was estimated in 2013 that it cost Sony $88 for 8GB of GDDR5. Who knows what it costs now, probably half or less than half of that. Until we see the actual components in a PS5 we won't know how much any of it will cost. Again, you can't look at consumer enthusiast products and base pricing off of that. That's not how it works... at all. First and foremost the PS5 will be mass produced in the millions... not tens of thousands like an RTX 20XX series card.
  12. You're stupid as fuck if you think looking at RAM costs at Newegg is the prices that Sony are going to be getting. The margins on memory are stupid high.
  13. If this rumor turns out being true then honestly... holy fuckin' shit. I have my doubts, but it sounds in line with my personal prediction. Hope it's true though.
  14. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/crackdowngrade-3-confirmed-201-5-vs-2019.1472183/#post-253783947
  15. Maybe. PS3 was that expensive because the BOM was beyond that price. It was in excess of $800 to build. All of the money lost in the PS3 era was due to losses on hardware. That's what happens when you use components that aren't mass produced. With the current specifications and components this thing isn't even close to what PS3 will cost. Zen 2, GDDR6, DDR4, Navi, etc. all of these components are cheap and being mass produced in comparison to Cell, RSX, XDR and a brand new optical disc technology. I think it's possible to still have a $399 price tag, but you're gonna ta
  16. That's it? That's all you got? Downgrade confirmed.
  17. Quad Damage probably has it stored away for a future necrobump. Locked and loaded.
  18. I know you wanted this cloud physics thing to work real badly for this game, but unfortunately for you it's a massive downgrade and Microsoft fucked up again.
  19. Then the final game must be pre-pre-pre-alpha. The dude at GAF owned you 40 minutes ago and you've yet to respond.
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