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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. $12.5B is just revenue from NS, CY 2018 is ~$20.72B for the entirety of the PlayStation division. Dipshit over here is trying to say that Sony's Music and Movie network services are tied into that somehow.
  2. You're fuckin' stoned and completely failed to comprehend everything that was posted. The revenue for G&NS is completely tied to PlayStation and nothing else. The pie chart breaks down everything that resides inside G&NS. You've gone full retard.
  3. Are you high? The pie chart breaking down Sony's Games & Network Services is in this very thread. They're all related to PlayStation. I don't know what "external revenue" you're bitching about.
  4. What are you looking at? Sony generated $16.6B in revenue from Q1-Q3. You're telling me Sony's gaming division generated only $3.98B for the year while Microsoft generated $11.5B? Using FY17 Q4 results as a placeholder to predict the full year Sony will have generated almost as much revenue as both Microsoft and Nintendo combined.
  5. Meant to put almost generated more and I mean PlayStation as a whole.
  6. Update: PlayStation Network generated more revenue than both Nintendo and Microsoft's entire gaming divisions combined. Nintendo: ~$10b Microsoft: ~$11.5b Sony: ~$20.72B
  7. Some numbers and console/games ratios: PS1 : 962 million games / 104.2 millions consoles = 9.2 PS2 : 1.5 billion games / 155 millions consoles = 10 PS3 : 950 million games / 86.9 millions consoles = 11 PS4 : 876 million games / 91.6 millions consoles = 9.6 Wii : 920 million of games / 101.6 millions consoles = 9 WiiU : 102 millions of games / 13.5 millions consoles = 7.55 NSW : 164 million games / 32.27 millions consoles = 5 Switch's ratio is abysmal in comparison. Switch registers as the lowest ratio of any console ever for console/game ratio.
  8. Wish I could say the same. Bought too much shit in the last few months.
  9. $1,843 Unfortunately, it's all going to bills.
  10. If they had SNES/N64 games in their bullshit emulator it might be worth it. As much as I love some old school NES action its hard to play old garbage nowadays.
  11. For now. PS4 didn't take off until 2016/2017. It was also $100 more. LTD for Switch vs. PS4 during the same period PS4 is tracking ahead.
  12. PS4 and Switch are going to continue one-upping each other because of the different launch quarters. How about you show us what PS4 sold versus Switch in 2018 CY?
  13. Lets see what kind of damage control they come up with. It's possibly they avoid this thread altogether.
  14. Yeah, he was hyping himself up as some kind of expert analyst pulling charts out of his ass. At the end of the day, my predictions based on reality won out. bu bu teh projectionz say...
  15. I know. I was telling Slowkousan that, but he kept running back to NPD. Sheep thinking Switch could ever be on par with PS4 sales... even in its 5th year.
  16. You buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, period. It's been like this forever.
  17. https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2019/190131e.pdf So much for 20m.
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