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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. If it's like Switch now it would always be in un-docked mode so games would be worse and the joy-cons could be integrated into the chassis. Thinking about it, it would make much more sense to just make a Switch console without the screen for $199 instead.
  2. lynux3


    He's an NVIDIOT.
  3. If you care about Zen 2, yes. If you don't, no.
  4. For real. 30fps on the PC for some reasons feels much shittier than 30fps on a console.
  5. Yeah, you're probably better off just getting the RTX 2060. The Navi GPUs aren't going to be out for awhile and we don't even know when they're going to be announced.
  6. It's real sad. They're hanging by a thread on the GPU front.
  7. It depends on your budget really, what you're looking to do and whether or not you care about beta testing few and far between features like DLSS and ray-tracing.
  8. 16GB of HBM2 is perfect for that card... since it's basically a workstation GPU. They are a generation behind. Vega II is nothing more than a refined Vega at 7nm. Navi is going to be the same story as Vega, but much more efficient. GCN is a flop, time to move on AMD.
  9. Nope and expected. The shitty thing is that they didn't even really talk much about Ryzen 3000 series desktop CPUs. All they showed was that their allegedly mid-range CPUs outperformed Intel's highest end CPU.
  10. Yeah pretty much, but it's all about how big your e-penis is. lol I mean if I was doing a budget 1080p/1440p gaming build I'd get a Ryzen 5 2600 with a GTX 1060 or RX 580/590 and be happy enough with the framerate.
  11. It depends on what you're doing. Are you a content creator or a developer? Then yes. Are you a regular end user? Probably not and if you do it'll be minor unless you got a really shitty 2 year old CPU in which case it may be a big difference. For gaming it'll matter to some extent. An Intel 7th gen CPU versus a Ryzen 1000 series CPU there were significant framerate advantages in Intel's favor at 1080p and 1440p, but the gap closed going upwards to 4K. Intel is still the king when it comes to gaming right now with their CPUs. The thing about the Ryzen 3000 series is that
  12. Or reputable insiders have indicated 2020 as the launch year... which they leaked prior to Sony announcing anything. Put two and two together and it makes it slightly more credible, but obviously not confirmed.
  13. The keynote doesn't even indicate anything you're saying. There's so many factors and variables in play it's not even comparable to a console hardware launch window. 1.) Vega is old, like 2016 old, and all they did was shrink it down from 14nm to 7nm and up the clocks. Vega was designed as a workstation card with HBM in mind, not a traditional gaming card. It was designed specifically for Apple and their trash can HEDT Mac Pro. It's been stated over and over how much of a mess the development of the Mac Pro and Vega were which is probably what prompted Raj to jump ship in the first
  14. Mostly in a datacenter type environment. There's way too many applications to go through, but having the best most efficient single socket processor based on a bleeding edge design and process node running in servers in racks across cab after cab is pretty sick. The cool thing though with AMD is that the design trickles down to HEDT and regular desktops. The Ryzen 3000 series isn't even considered a "high end" CPU, it's in a different segment. EPYC = Datacenter Threadripper = HEDT Ryzen = Regular Desktop All are based on the Zen architecture. The b
  15. There's no argument. It was a metaphor you stupid fuck. Get your head out of your ass.
  16. You're thinking way too much into it, kid. Simmer down.
  17. ? "integrate key components of Ubisoft’s Uplay and Epic’s online services," which likely means buying the game on the Epic store will work similarly to how buying a Ubisoft game on Steam works now, including being able to access Uplay no matter what store you buy it on."
  18. Either way I'm not interested in their GPUs. Just their CPUs. I think we're going to learn a lot more about Ryzen 3000 series and Navi at Computex. I was honestly expecting a lineup of Ryzen 3000 series desktop CPUs with core counts, threads, TDP and prices for some of them. Didn't really get any of that except that their supposed "mid-range" Ryzen (supposed to be Ryzen 5) can outperform Intel's highest end desktop CPU... which is pretty embarrassing. The 8C/16T is supposed to be a Ryzen 5 that can boost to 4.8GHz with a TDP of 95W for $229.99 if the leaks are true. If that is wh
  19. Fragmentation as in different store fronts as oppose to different OS versions on Android. It's fragmented... there's no one stop shop. How could something so simple go over your head?
  20. You'll be hyping it as soon as Microsoft shoves it down your throat just like Kinect.
  21. I'm assuming it's just for the promotional period... would be interesting if the games went away and the card was cheaper. Either way, that's a crazy good value. Much better than having something like ray-tracing.
  22. Oh okay, yeah that's perfectly fine.
  23. Tetris Effect is really 1080p on the Pro?
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