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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. The chiplet has been revealed. Looks a bit different than I was expecting. Looks like a truly modular setup. I wonder if they're going to show new APUs.
  2. I wonder what the frequency was. Depending on that information Ryzen may be killing Intel in IPC now.
  3. Yes, they are that good... seriously.
  4. Same here, but it is using HBM... and 16GB of it.
  5. If this card is $499 or a little more than a $249 1080 lower end doesn't sound so ridiculous anymore. I think this thing is going to be $599 though.
  6. What a disaster. PC gaming is more fragmented than the Android phone market.
  7. So RTX 2080 performance. Lets see how much these are.
  8. Well the rumors were true. Vega II or Radeon 7.
  9. Ryzen 3000 series (Zen 2) goodness is upon us.
  10. Not only did it score better... it's also VR and multiplayer only.
  11. Mario Tennis Aces flopped you dumbass.
  12. lmao, go figure. This sheep hates games. Stick to shitty comics, bitch.
  13. "Back then I expected virtual reality headsets would be as common as mobile phones within six years." This guy is fuckin' delusional. Trying to measure VR success against mobile phones, a necessity in today's society. The problem with people thinking VR failed is that they're measuring an expensive standalone (for the most part) product against what they think is a success or how they think it should have "caught on". As far as I'm concerned VR is as successful as it needed to be. It was certainly enough that we'll be seeing VR headsets in the future.
  14. I think it's safe to say that Game Pass subscriptions aren't very high based on the game subscription based services revenue/market share pie chart that showed up recently.
  15. I suppose so. I'll be interested to see what their portfolio looks like in the future with the acquisition of these new studios, specifically Obsidian.
  16. Yeah I made a thread about it. The original Xbox One / S truly are a thorn in Microsoft and developer's side right now. It's too late for Microsoft to abandon, but I bet devs can't wait to drop that POS.
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